
Paul BAKER Lancaster University (UK)
Susan BASSNETT University of Warwick (UK)
Michael BURKE Utrecht University (NL)
Giuditta CALIENDO Université de Lille (FR)
Massimiliano DEMATA University of Turin (IT)
Antonio FRUTTALDO University of Sannio (IT)
Catalina FUENTES RODRÍGUEZ Universidad de Sevilla (ES)
Maria Cristina GATTI Free University of Bolzano (IT)
Rudy LOOCK Université de Lille (FR)
Bettina MIGGE University College Dublin (IE)
Tommaso MILANI Penn State University (US)
Kay O’HALLORAN Curtin University, Perth (Australia)
Corinne OSTER Université de Lille (FR)
Irene RANZATO University of Rome ‘Sapienza’ (IT)
Maria Grazia SINDONI University of Messina (IT)
Marco VENUTI University of Catania (IT)
Giuseppe Balirano, PhD in English Linguistics, is Professor of English Language, Translation and Linguistics at the University of Naples L’Orientale. He is the current President of the Italian Association for the Study of English (AIA), the President of the University language Centre (CLAOR) and the University Rector’s Delegate for Lifelong Learning, E-learning and Multimedia Enhancement. His current research and publications focus mainly on language, identity, multimodality, varieties of English, humour, masculinity studies and organised crime. Among his most recent publications: Cinema e Diversità: Disability Studies, Sensorialità e Prospettive di Ricerca Integrate (2024, edited with M. Parlati, Paolo Loffredo Editore); The Discursive Construction of Contemporary Family Types (2024, de genere – Journal of Literary, Postcolonial and Gender Studies, edited with J. Mackenzie and A. Zottola); Advances, Trends and Approaches in Language Teaching, Learning and Education in the Post-pandemic Era: Theory and Practice (2023, RILA – Rassegna Italiana di Linguistica Applicata, edited with M. Rasulo); Re-Defining Gender, Sexuality, and Discourse in the Global Rise of Right-Wing Extremism (2021, Anglistica AION: An Interdisciplinary Journal, edited with R. Borba); Homing in on Hate: Critical Discourse Studies of Hate Speech, Discrimination and Inequality in the Digital Age (2020, edited with B. Hughes, Paolo Loffredo Editore); Gardaí & Bedfellas: The Discursive Construction of Irish Organised Crime (2017, Edizioni Scientifiche); The Discursive Representation of Globalised Organised Crime: Crossing Borders of Languages and Cultures (2017, I-LanD Journal, edited with G. Caliendo and P. Sambre); Queering Masculinities in Language and Culture (2017, Palgrave Macmillan, edited with P. Baker); Humosexually Speaking (2016, de genere – Journal of Literary, Postcolonial and Gender Studies, edited with D. Chiaro); Languaging Diversity (2015, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, edited with M.C. Nisco); Language, Theory and Society (2015, Liguori, edited with M.C. Nisco); Masculinity and Representation (2014, Paolo Loffredo Editore).