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Paolo Loffredo, sixth generation of a large family of publishers and booksellers engaged in the production and distribution of books since the late nineteenth century, creates in 2012 the new editorial company Paolo Loffredo Editore. The historical site was until the '80s in the heart of the historic centre of Naples in Via San Biagio dei Librai, lower Decumano and also known as the SpaccaNapoli.
At the beginning of the twentieth century, Giuseppe Loffredo decided to add book selling to the book production, which definitively imposed itself after World War II with the publication of manuals for the University and for the School that succeeded in establishing themselves soon throughout Italy.

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"Rivedremo Gesù nelle catacombe"
07 Marzo 2025 - Sala Conferenze circoscrizione di Cecchina - via Rocca di Papa 65, Albano Laziale (RM) - ore 17,00

 rivedremo gesu nelle catacombe

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Giuseppe Balirano

 Giuseppe Balirano, PhD in English Linguistics, is Associate Professor in English Language and Translation Studies at the University of Naples L’Orientale. He is the Director of the Research Consortium, I-LanD, which investigates identity, language and diversity in discourse. His current research and publications focus mainly on language, identity, and multimodality, varieties of English and humour, masculinity studies and organised crime. His most recent publications include: Gardaí & Bedfellas. The Discursive Construction of Irish Organised Crime (2017, Napoli: Edizioni Scientifiche); The Discursive Representation of Globalised Organised Crime: Crossing Borders of Languages and Cultures (2017. I-LanD Journal, co-edited with Giuditta Caliendo and Paul Sambre); Queering Masculinities in Language and Culture. Series: Studies in Language, Gender and Sexuality. (2017. London: Palgrave Macmillan, co-edited with Paul Baker); Humosexually Speaking (2016. De Genere, co-edited with Delia Chiaro); Languaging Diversity (2015. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, co-edited with Maria Cristina Nisco); Language, Theory and Society(2015. Napoli: Liguori, co-edited with Maria Cristina Nisco); Masculinity and Representation (2014. Napoli: Paolo Loffredo, Iniziative Editoriali), Variation and Varieties in Contexts of English (2012. Anglistica, co-edited with Julia Bamford and Jocelyne Vincent); Indian English on TV (2008. Catania: AG Edizioni).

Giuseppe Balirano


BETWIXT - Studies in Linguistics and Communication ISSN: 2611-1349


ISBN: 979-12-81068-35-3 Language: Italian Publisher: Paolo Loffredo Editore Srl

Sales price: 35,50 €

Contactzone 2020 - Gender Troubles in Science Fiction TV Productions: The Queer Gaze in Star Trek

CONTACTZONE ISSN: 2723 - 8881 Publisher: Paolo Loffredo Editore Srl Language: Italian, ...

Sales price: 8,00 €

I-Land - year 2017 - issue 1 - Introduction

I-LanD Journal - Identity, Language and Diversity ISSN: 2532-6368 ISBN: 978 88 ...

Sales price: 11,00 €

I-Land year 2017 - Issue 1 - De-Queering Proxemics in the Screen Adaptation of Camorra Male Dyads: A Multimodal Prosody Analysis

I-LanD Journal - Identity, Language and Diversity ISSN: 2532-6368 ISBN: 978 88 ...

Sales price: 11,00 €

Idee Cinematografiche Differenti

ISBN: 978 88 32193 56 5 Language: Italian Publisher: Paolo Loffredo Editore Srl

Sales price: 14,50 €

Identity, Language and Diversity between walls and bridges

ISBN: 978 88 32193 59 6 Language: English Publisher: Paolo Loffredo Editore Srl

Sales price: 25,00 €

Masculinity and Representation – A Multimodal Critical Approach to Male Identity Constructions

ISBN : 9788894003796 ISSN : Language: English Publisher: Paolo Loffredo Iniziative Editoriali Srl

Sales price: 15,00 €

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