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Mosaic - Viaggi tra le culture

ISSN 2611-1470
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 Published Volumes

LETTURE DI ITALIANISTICA  MASSIMO BOMTEMPELLI  fuori tema  montale errante  il viaggiatore metaforico2

avere ragione avendo torto2  femminismo e femminismi augurio di molte farfalle  UNA VITA DA CARCERATO  laboratori creativi2

cristo wilde pasolini  opus contra naturam 2  Gloria e virtu  La ferita della pena e la sua cura  genere storia 2

le forme dellaltro  Tra speranza e vecchia sfiducia2  nelle maglie della devianza Con lesercizio costante  per giovanni testori

The texts published in the series are subjected to a peer review process which certifies their scientific validity.

Mosaic. Viaggi tra le culture

«Who touches this book touches a man».
We could decline in the plural the famous expression of Walt Whitman for each volume of the Mosaic series. Travel between leculture. in the wake of Masters who have built on this evidence a solid hermeneutics, based on the perception of the fruitful relationship between language analysis and literary interpretation, between structural elements and content elements of a philosophical, ethical or collane nature with a strong propensity for social contents. Volumes that become permanent residences where culture lives and where you can stay as long as possible, as Elio Vittorini wrote, in his Public Diary, which is echoed by Enrico Guaraldo, for whom the exercise of the reader in love and exegeta means to be alone in the universe of another, "to be alone in the world of a Great of the Earth". Stylistic adventures and thematic symbols that, with the taste of composition and balance between different colors, starting from an identity, even strong, but open to dialogue, ready to give space, to change course, to converse with others.
Texts of Italian literature, of foreign literature, of comparative literature, with a predilection for mestizos, post-colonial cultures, expressions of groups or peoples, of single discriminated people who found in the word a possibility of redemption, of liberation, of protest. Also in Le plasir du texte, substantial nourishment of the soul. "In the volume that bears this title, Roland Barthes suggested the constitution of a hypothetical Société des Amis du Texte, never serious, rather joyous, to which I would gladly register: in it everyone freely chooses the texts to confront" (Emerico Giachery).

Creative workshops

The butterfly of talent and inspiration is blissfully capricious, fly where it wants, writes Goffredo Parise.
One can only, happily, by osmosis, transmit the passion of literature, writing and perhaps help discover a small or great talent in those who did not know they possessed it. Having received this gift as a gift, free of charge from Masters and Teachers, we feel the need to offer it and communicate it. Having fun, practicing, also feeling strong emotions.
To see pupils and young people grow from an idea even banal, dictated almost by chance, is one of the strongest experiences of sharing between teachers (at every level) and students. Under the aegis of the sentence of Eraldo Affinati that closes the story of a school year in the City of Boys: what happens in the classroom has indelible effects.
Putting their readings in common, practicing empty, trying and trying again and maybe attempting a choral correction.
To stimulate creativity, which is often buried by laziness, duties, bureaucracy. Prepare the runway for take-off, in sum, with fervor and patience, fun and effort.
Waiting for the party: that moment when the plane, and with it the butterflies of the original talent, take off. Maybe from a wheelchair, become the home of fantasy, with pain and tenacity. The arrow pointing towards the target.
This is the idea of ​​creative workshops, developed at the University of Rome Tor Vergata as in the Roman prison of Rebibbia that the creative section of the Mosaic series. Journey through cultures wants to extend to other realities, keeping openness to the different forms of intercultural expression, with particular attention to the forms of travel of those who, for different reasons, he can not physically travel and he interprets the flight of the talent butterflies through the word, the sharing of an experience.

Elisabetta Marino (University of Rome Tor Vergata), Fabio Pierangeli (University of Rome Tor Vergata).

Scientific committee
Raffaele Giglio (University of Naples Federico II), Giuseppe Lupo (University of Milan Catholic Sacred Heart), Patricia Peterle (Universidade Federal Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, Brazil), Lorenzo Bartoli (Universidad de Autónoma de Madrid), Paola Villani (Suor Orsola Benincasa University Institute, Naples), Daniela De Liso (University of Naples Federico II).

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