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Mosaic - Una vita da carcerato

ISBN: 978 88 99306 66 3
ISSN 2611-1470
Language: Italian
Publisher: Paolo Loffredo Iniziative Editoriali Srl
Sales price 12,00 €
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Una vita da carcerato

"During my detentions, I have always maintained a spirit that is all in all positive cultures even in the worst moments, maybe that's what helped me to overcome them and keep me alive. I dealt with problems and misfortunes with a certain irony. If that irony was bitter, it was part of the Roman culture of which I breathed the last residues as a child and that I rediscovered in my studies: perhaps for this reason, with the study, I close myself in a world of mine that makes me escape from the harsh reality in which I find myself living day after day. Just in prison, in 2002, almost by accident, I began these studies that I have never left. "
So Andrea Furbini, in the beginning of his autobiographical account that is also a cry to the institutions and people of the so-called free world (but then this distinction will be real?): I'm no longer Andrea 15-20 years ago. It's always me, but a lot has changed, in all these years of imprisonment: "The emotions, the feelings, the difficulties, the criticisms of the system, are therefore of a person who is inside and who knows them well, breathing them daily. and he fights them with his anger, with his heart and with his spirit ". In these pages, he asks that the judgment of those who are called to follow and judge the journey of a detained person must ascertain the progress made, the renewed love for culture, books, theatrical expressions, of the constant search for beauty in a mostly hostile environment. Verify the love of the father far for their children. In the book by Andrea Furbini shines irony and self-irony, the popular soul of a flamboyant "Roman", that of the sonnets, in a suggestive prosimetrum that marks the moments in the life of a prisoner. Monotonous and paradoxical, from which one "comes out" reciting, like ancient masks, the truth. Behind the bars, Andrea Furbini is a parrésist. His story is a novel that extends, vertically and horizontally, for cultural challenge and to demand attention, a powerful laugh on the microcosm of the vices and the virtue of the human consortium which is the prison.

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