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Studi medievali e moderni - year 2017

Author Gianni Oliva

Studi medievali e moderni
ISSN 1593-0947
ISSN versione on-line e2499 - 0671
Language: Italian
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Ethical Code

Studi medievali e moderni - year 2017

CDD 940.05 (20.) Storia generale d'Europa. Europa occidentale - Pubblicazioni in serie.

Annual subscription
Issue 1
Issue 2

Periodicity: six-monthly

International Peer-Reviewed Journal
ANVUR - CLASS A (sectors 10 / F1, F2, F3, F4)

The magazine "Studi Medievali e Moderni" was founded in 1997 under the direction of Gianni Oliva as an emanation of the homonym Department of the "Gabriele D'Annunzio" University of Chieti. With the closure of that Department, the magazine continued its publications maintaining the original publication, although currently financed by the "Department of Arts and Social Sciences". However, the academic extraction does not make it an organ reserved only for those who belong to the university institution; indeed, every six months (alternating between a varied number and a monographic one), it is proposed to coordinate different energies of different geographical origins under the banner of interdisciplinarity (hence the subtitle Art Literature History) with the intention of being a gym for a free exchange of ideas and experiences, with particular reference to young scholars. The historical-philological rigor, the regularity in the pubblication (there are already 44 numbers) and the breadth of the perspectives, have made it with the time a prestigious and qualified scientific periodical. ) and the breadth of the perspectives, have made it with the time a prestigious and qualified scientific periodical.

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Bank transfer on Banco Posta Spa IBAN IT 42 G 07601 03400 001027258399 headed a Paolo Loffredo Editore  Srl
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The magazine is also available in digital format on Torrossa.it

Founder and Director
Gianni Oliva

Executive committee
Fabio Benzi, Rossella Bianchi, Mario Cimini, Andrea Gialloreto, Stefano Trinchese

Scientific Committee
Paolo De Ventura (University of Birmingham), Silvia Fabrizio-Costa (University of Caen-Basse Normandie), Giulia Dell'Aquila (University of Bari), Pietro Gibellini (Ca' Foscari University of Venice), Vicente Gonzales Martìn (University of Salamanca ), Martin McLaughlin (University of Oxford), Giuseppe Mazzotta (Yale University), Laura Melosi (University of Macerata), Giancarlo Quiriconi (University "G. D'Annunzio"), Franco Vitelli (University of Bari), Giovanni Tesio (University of Eastern Piedmont), Alessio Monciatti (University of Molise), Francesca Manzari (University of Rome "La Sapienza").

Editorial coordination
Italian Studies, Philology and Foreign Literatures
Antonella Del Gatto, Antonella Di Nallo, Valeria Giannantonio, Gabriella Giansante, Mirko Menna, Luciana Pasquini, Emiliano Picchiorri, Enrichetta Soccio, Ilaria Zamuner

Art and Entertainment
Fabio Andreazza, Maria Giulia Aurigemma, Iole Carlettini, Gaetano Curzi, Francesco Leone, Cecilia Mazzetti, Ilaria Miarelli Mariani, Leonardo Spinelli, Rossana Torlontano

Fancesco Caccamo, Maria Grazia Del Fuoco, Irene Fosi, Maria Teresa Giusti, Roberto Paciocco, Paola Pizzo, Giovanni Pizzorusso, Silvia Scorrano, Michael Segre

Technical editing
Little girl Chiavelli, Paolo Di Simone, Mariella Di Brigida, Maria Petrella

Administrative secretary
Alessandra Mammarella

e-mail for contacts: 
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. g.oliva@lettere. unich.it

Director responsible
Gabriele Di Francesco

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