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Aion - Sezione Germanica year 2019

Aion - Sezione Germanica
Studi Tedeschi - Filologia Germanica - Studi Nordici/Studi Nederlandesi
ISSN: 1124-3724
ISSN on-line version e2421 -2644
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Book preview

Aion - Sezione Germanica - year 2019
German Studies - Germanic Philology - Nordic Studies / Nederland Studies

CDD 430.05 (20.) Lingue germaniche. Pubblicazioni in serie

Annual subscription

Periodicity: ANNUAL
International Peer - Reviewed Journal


«AION - Germanic Section» is part of the Annals of the "L'Orientale" University of Naples; together with «Studi Germanici» (Rome) it is in Italy the oldest magazine dedicated to studies of languages ​​and cultures in the German, Dutch and Scandinavian areas, both in antiquity and in the modern and contemporary age.

Founded in 1958, «AION - German Section» publishes miscellanies of essays and reviews, mainly literary but also philological and linguistic studies, with a wide spectrum of methodological perspectives, also accepting comparative and interdisciplinary requests; occasionally monographic numbers appear on themes of particular importance in the Germanic area.

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The magazine is also available in digital format on Torrossa.it

Elda Morlicchio Editorial Committee
Sergio Corrado, Elisabeth Galvan,  Barbara Häußinger, Maria Cristina Lombardi, Valeria Micillo, Gabriella Sgambati

Scientific Committee
Rolf H. Bremmer (Universiteit Leiden)
Wolfgang Haubrichs (Universität des Saarlandes)
Alexander Honold (Universität Basel)
Britta Hufeisen (Technische Universität Darmstadt)
Ármann Jakobsson (Háskóli Íslands / University of Iceland)
Oliver Lubrich (Universität Bern)
Daniel Sävborg (Tartu Ülikool / University of Tartu)
Elmar Schafroth (Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf)
Michael Schulte (Universitetet i Agder)
Arjen P. Versloot (Universiteit van Amsterdam)
Burkhardt Wolf (Universität Wien)
Evelyn Ziegler (Universität Duisburg-Essen)

Editorial Secretariat
Angela Iuliano, Luigia Tessitore
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