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Contactzone 2021 - Feeling the Future: Text World Theory, Emotions and Reader Response in Indian Science Fiction Short Stories

CONTACTZONE ISSN: 2723 - 8881 Publisher: Paolo Loffredo Editore Srl Language: Italian, ...

Sales price: 8,00 €

Contactzone 2021 - Generation 14: A Postnational Dystopia

CONTACTZONE ISSN: 2723 - 8881 Publisher: Paolo Loffredo Editore Srl Language: Italian, ...

Sales price: 8,00 €

Contactzone 2021 - Introduction Indian Science Fiction: Routes of the Past in the Future

CONTACTZONE ISSN: 2723 - 8881 Publisher: Paolo Loffredo Editore Srl Language: Italian, ...

Sales price: 8,00 €

Contactzone 2021 - Introduction The Life of Richard Parker

CONTACTZONE ISSN: 2723 - 8881 Publisher: Paolo Loffredo Editore Srl Language: Italian, ...

Sales price: 8,00 €

Contactzone 2021 - Mapping and Identity in Rushdie’s Grimus

CONTACTZONE ISSN: 2723 - 8881 Publisher: Paolo Loffredo Editore Srl Language: Italian, ...

Sales price: 8,00 €

Contactzone 2021 - Subverting Reason, Thinking Futurity. Climate Change, Posthumanism and Bengali Science Fiction

CONTACTZONE ISSN: 2723 - 8881 Publisher: Paolo Loffredo Editore Srl Language: Italian, ...

Sales price: 8,00 €

Contactzone 2021 - The Eaton Collection of Science Fiction and Fantasy at UC Riverside: Pasts, Presents, and Futures

CONTACTZONE ISSN: 2723 - 8881 Publisher: Paolo Loffredo Editore Srl Language: Italian, ...

Sales price: 8,00 €

Contactzone 2021 - The Fantastic a s Ecological Warning in Rudy Wiebe’s “The Angel of the Tar Sands”

CONTACTZONE ISSN: 2723 - 8881 Publisher: Paolo Loffredo Editore Srl Language: Italian, ...

Sales price: 8,00 €

Contactzone 2021 - Visions of the Pandemic in the Bengali Science Fiction Webzine Kalpabiśva

CONTACTZONE ISSN: 2723 - 8881 Publisher: Paolo Loffredo Editore Srl Language: Italian, ...

Sales price: 8,00 €

Contactzone 2022

CONTACTZONE ISSN: 2723 - 8881 Publisher: Paolo Loffredo Editore Srl Language: Italian, ...

Sales price: 50,00 €

Contactzone 2022 - Distopía nuestra de cada día: breve recorrido por la ciencia ficción puertorriqueña y la producción más reciente escrita por mujeres

CONTACTZONE ISSN: 2723 - 8881 Publisher: Paolo Loffredo Editore Srl Language: Italian, ...

Sales price: 8,00 €

Contactzone 2022 - El monstruo que se repite: teratología y posthumano en Rodrigo Rey Rosa

CONTACTZONE ISSN: 2723 - 8881 Publisher: Paolo Loffredo Editore Srl Language: Italian, ...

Sales price: 8,00 €

Contactzone 2022 - A Black Prometheus: Frankenstein’s Progeny in LaValle’s Destroyer

CONTACTZONE ISSN: 2723 - 8881 Publisher: Paolo Loffredo Editore Srl Language: Italian, ...

Sales price: 8,00 €

Contactzone 2022 - Aliena dello spazio interno

ISSN: 2723 - 8881 Publisher: Paolo Loffredo Editore Srl Language: Italian, English

Sales price: 8,00 €

Contactzone 2022 - Ann Leckie’s Ancillary Trilogy and the Revolutionary Potential of Care

CONTACTZONE ISSN: 2723 - 8881 Publisher: Paolo Loffredo Editore Srl Language: Italian, ...

Sales price: 8,00 €

Contactzone 2022 - Artwork 0m-3ro

CONTACTZONE ISSN: 2723 - 8881 Publisher: Paolo Loffredo Editore Srl Language: Italian, ...

Sales price: 8,00 €

Contactzone 2022 - Beyond a Strictly Anthropocentric Vision of the Nonhuman: Body Language in Kazuo Ishiguro’s Klara and the Sun

CONTACTZONE ISSN: 2723 - 8881 Publisher: Paolo Loffredo Editore Srl Language: Italian, ...

Sales price: 8,00 €

Contactzone 2022 - Circuses without the Bread: The Hunger Games Films as Allegory of the Alt-Right

CONTACTZONE ISSN: 2723 - 8881 Publisher: Paolo Loffredo Editore Srl Language: Italian, ...

Sales price: 8,00 €

Contactzone 2022 - Circuses without the Bread: The Hunger Games Films as Allegory of the Alt-Right

CONTACTZONE ISSN: 2723 - 8881 Publisher: Paolo Loffredo Editore Srl Language: Italian, ...

Sales price: 8,00 €

Contactzone 2022 - Desire for Human Nature in Kazuo Ishiguro’s Never Let Me Go

CONTACTZONE ISSN: 2723 - 8881 Publisher: Paolo Loffredo Editore Srl Language: Italian, ...

Sales price: 8,00 €

Contactzone 2022 - Disobedient Children in the Dystopian Past: Empowerment Through Liminal Futurity in Guillermo del Toro’s Films

CONTACTZONE ISSN: 2723 - 8881 Publisher: Paolo Loffredo Editore Srl Language: Italian, ...

Sales price: 8,00 €

Contactzone 2022 - Home Family Future: Authenticity, the Frontier Myth, and Dawn of the Planet of the Apes

CONTACTZONE ISSN: 2723 - 8881 Publisher: Paolo Loffredo Editore Srl Language: Italian, ...

Sales price: 8,00 €

Contactzone 2022 - Il continuum Sheldon-Tiptree-Raccoona

ISSN: 2723 - 8881 Publisher: Paolo Loffredo Editore Srl Language: Italian, English

Sales price: 8,00 €

Contactzone 2022 - Inadaptadxs-indaptables otrxs: monstruosidades disidentes en dos cuentos de ciencia ficción costarricense

CONTACTZONE ISSN: 2723 - 8881 Publisher: Paolo Loffredo Editore Srl Language: Italian, ...

Sales price: 8,00 €

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