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Meminisse Iuvabit – Antologia della Letteratura Latina dalle origini a Tertulliano

ISBN : 978 8899306 10 6
Language: Italian, Latin
Publisher: Paolo Loffredo Iniziative Editoriali Srl
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Meminisse Iuvabit .  Antologia della Letteratura Latina dalle origini a Tertulliano

An Anthology of Latin Literature aims to satisfy institutionally educational needs, but also, more broadly, cultural ones. Meminisse iuvabit offers a wide range of pieces taken from the works of Latinity (with essential historical-literary profiles of the authors), not only the best known, but also and above all the less known, even the most peregrine, able to solicit debate on the piano literary, historical-political, sociological, anthropological. These pages offer the living, fascinating and stimulating testimony of a world, yes, for a large part different from ours, but also, and perhaps precisely because of this, capable of providing many suggestions to us, men of our time, ready to capture the secrets of an existential experience that converts to reflection, encouraging inner growth.


Crescenzo Formicola is now teaching Italian Literature in the Humanistic studies department at University of Naples Federico II.  He published numerous papers about Catullo, Cicero, Virgilio, Orazio, Tibullo, Propezio, Ovidio, Tacito, Claudiano, Sidonio Apollinare. Between his writings about Virgilio there is even the whole translation of the “Georgiche”. He handled the critical edition with translation, comments and “Concordantia del Cynegeticon” of Grattio (2 voll., Pàtron, Bologna 1988; del 1995 gli Studi sull’esametro di Grattio, Loffredo, Napoli) and of the Pervigilium Veneris (Loffredo, Napoli 2005); he published the 4th book of the “Annales” by Tacito with the translation and comments. In 2016 he took over the magazine “Vichiana”, a collection of historial and philological studies.

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