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Il maestro ZT in Puglia

ISBN : 979 12 81068 44 5
Language: Italian
Publisher: Paolo Loffredo Iniziative Editore Srl
Sales price 22,00 €
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Il maestro ZT in Puglia
Bagliori cromatici di un pittore del Cinquecento

Every painting hides a story, every story is made to be told. This contribution has only one objective: to promote and realize the broad and profound intelligence of the masterpieces of our monogrammarist Z.T. A painter to be reevaluated, with works that are a sublime synthesis of imagination, originality and versatility: just observe the singular pictorial sequence of Alezio (LE). We are at the peak of sixteenth-century art in Puglia and Basilicata, and the Mu.Di.GRA. Benedetto XIII of Gravina in P. (BA) is a treasure chest of recognized protection of the constant patronage of the Orsini - Del Balzo. He preserves works worthy of being collected, studied and made known.
The artist's portfolio becomes the necessary tool for the historicization of our Master's activity, to communicate the value of his works, to revive them and prevent time from condemning them to oblivion.
The studio pays particular attention to the tempera paintings on sargas depicting the Annunciation, Saint Peter and Saint Paul, artefacts from the 16th century. invoice and commission to be defined.
In the Appendix the reader comes across a disruptive artistic enrichment with the polychrome wooden work of Saint Lucia and her Spanish estofado of astonishing and unprecedented workmanship. There is also the technical and symbolic study of the sixteenth-century oil painting of the Resurrection, probably executed not only by Antonio Stabile.
The second part ends with an oil painting on canvas of the Ecce Homo, with a Catalan style, by an artist unknown, who may have left his signature in the compositional technique.


Antonia Magistro lives in Spinazzola, where she was born in 1966. Specializing in the restoration of paintings on canvas and panel, she conducts research on the local history of Spinazzola, in the footsteps of Antonio Carrabba. You have restored works from different eras, from the 16th to the 20th century. Worthy of note is a prompt intervention on the Madonna of Constantinople, painted on a panel by the monogrammarist Z.T. preserved in the Pinacoteca of Spinazzola. You oversaw the restoration of the Crucifixion (16th century) by the same author, a panel preserved in the Episcopio of Gravina in Puglia.
Without excluding interventions for various agencies, he has collaborated for a long time with the Pirro Artistic Company of Daniela Pirro in San Marco in Lamis, intervening on various removable and immovable artefacts preserved in the churches of San Sebastiano and San Nicola di Spinazzola, as well as on works belonging to the Diocese of Puglia (Altamura-Gravina-Acquaviva delle Fonti) and Basilicata (Melfi -Venosa) under the control of the Superintendency of the BB.CC. and the Landscape of the Regions of Puglia and Basilicata. In collaboration with the MUTEC (Barletta Municipal Art Gallery Museum) you intervened in the restoration of a series of paintings by Gisondi, wooden artefacts from the 17th century. and De Nittis. In 2008 you collaborated with the Center for Historical and Socio-Religious Studies in Puglia for the conference on the origins of Spinazzola. In 2011 you organized a film festival in Spinazzola with director Nico Cirasola. In 2018 Magistro published La meraviglia dell’arte barocca a Spinazzola, Edizioni INSIEME, an all-round vision of an aspect of local history in the 17th century.

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