fb01 lnk01 

Il giorno della “marmotta” ai tempi del virus

ISBN: 978 88 32193 60 02
Language: Italian
Publisher: Paolo Loffredo Editore Srl
Sales price 14,50 €
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Il giorno della “marmotta” ai tempi del virus

Suddenly, the whole world has changed. We need to redesign the economic system, our behaviours, social relationships, the relations between the States. 

Like never before in history there was a “before” and there will be an “after”. 

March 2020 came: the pandemic caused by Covid-19 has changed our freedom, our rights and maybe even our democracy. 

 The storm has come. 


Carmine Scafa (Torre Annunziata, 1955) is an engineer, was the manager of Finmeccanica and is now CEO of the S.E.Te.S. He lived in France and in the USA to work. 

He has two children: Chiara (Surgeon and Psychoterapist) and Giorgio (Biotechnologist who is getting a degree in Medicine).


Copyright © 2018