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Classica…Mente – Atti dell’associazione di filosofia, lettere e arti

ISBN : 978 88 99306 92 2
Language: Italian
Publisher: Paolo Loffredo Editore Srl
Sales price 15,50 €
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Classica…Mente. Atti dell’associazione di filosofia, lettere e arti

Classica ... Mente is an association founded on 8 October 2017. It focuses on philosophy, letters and the arts. The humanistic approach does not exclude interest in the sciences, because they also belong to the humanistic sector, coinciding with the latter the expression of human thought that is also expressed in science and technology.
Classica ... Mente proposes the diffusion and enhancement of culture, in the most intense and intense meaning that this term has intended and intends to express, notwithstanding the last expirations of meaning due to the application of this lemma to the different social, anthropological, historical, political meanings: think of the locutions, right culture and left culture.
The very claim of wanting to make culture and want to spread culture can certainly seem presumptuous and immense compared to what was the original meaning of this word and that we wanted to take up again. Often, in fact, compared to what the term culture intended to express and convey, everyone felt intimidated in the humble consideration of the amount of information, of high thoughts of sublime men, of Stoic actions, of complexity of philosophical entanglements or of analysis of concepts, sometimes difficult to decode.
But above all, the claim to spread culture through a limited number of people might seem anachronistic and not relevant to the reality of our time, accustomed to more relaxed extensions and a consequent concept of culture as everyday life, fashions, trends. It might seem a useless and nostalgic effort, and above all far from the globalization of culture itself, far from the high numbers of popularization on which a newspaper can count, or from the quantity of listeners that the radio can reach or from the millions of viewers that a TV program can bring or, even worse, distant light years from the numbers reached by social networks, inexorable filters of good and bad culture.


Tina Mansueto has worked with the archeological superintendence of Naples, Caserta and Pompei. She was a Latin literature espert at University Suor Orsola Benincasa in Naples. For the University of Naples Federico II she published ‘Itinerari giubilari del 2000’ (Sant’Agata dei Goti e Sant’Anastasia). Moreover, she cooperates with the Pro Loco of Scalea and di Santa Domenica Talao (CS). She teaches History and Philosophy at high school and wrote many scientific articles, such as: 
- Osservazioni sull’Iconografia delle Nereidi, Latinam linguam profiteri, L’Artemide Bovianense, Culti e miti dei Safineis, De utilitate philosophiae. Ha curato per la Regione Campania ‘Casali e Chiese’ (2006).
For the Loffredo publishing house she wrote: 
– L’Ολπη di Cerveteri, per una rilettura iconografica (2006)
– Mostri e Nereidi, cavalcando il fantastico mare (2010)
– Lettura in chiave di sol (2011)
– Il Simposio dei filosofi, presocratici a confronto (2012)
– Immaginario simposio, dialoghi e intermezzi (2013)
For Paolo Loffredo Editore she wrote: 
– Verso Socrate, per una metodologia didattica della filosofia (2014)
– Viandante senza tempo (2014)
– Filottete, documenta et monumenta (2015)
– Biografie ragionate, filosofi medioevali e moderni (2016)
– Nicolas Poussin, il Rinascimento arcadico del XVII secolo (2016)
– Uomini-eroi, Filottete e Kitirami (2017)
– La tela d’altare della Chiesa di San Giuseppe (2017)
– Carnevale abbatte la tirannia, commedia in due atti (2018)

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