fb01 lnk01 


ISBN: 979-12-81068-63-6
ISSN: 2611-1349
Language: English
Publisher : Paolo Loffredo Editore Srl
Sales price 25,50 €
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A corpus-assisted comparative ESP analysis of promotional tasting notes for conventional and alternative wines

Can You Taste Sustainability? Based on the premise that the grandiloquent and frequently satirised language of wine tasting emerged from the global¬ising socio-economic dynamics of the 1970s, the aim of this volume is to investigate whether a recent market trend — namely, sustainable wine — has engendered an alternative wine-tasting discourse that aligns with the demands of environmentally conscious consumers. To accomplish this, a comparative analysis of two corpora of promotional wine-tasting notes for conventional and alternative wines from UK-based online wine stores was conducted, adopting an integrated approach that combines theories from Language for Specific Purposes, Critical Discourse Studies, and Ecolinguis¬tics, while also relying on tools from Corpus Linguistics.
Specifically, the corpora were profiled from lexical, rhetorical, and thematic perspectives. With regard to lexical profiling, the degree of specialisation and semantic variation across the corpora were assessed.


Francesco Nacchia, Tenure-track research associate of English Lan¬guage, Translation and Linguistics (ANGL-01/C) at the University of Naples ‘L’Orientale’, holds a PhD in (Euro)languages and Special¬ised Terminology from the Uni¬versity of Naples ‘Parthenope’. He has published extensively on the role of metaphor and spe¬cialised terminology in promo¬tional wine-tasting discourse, with a specific focus on personi¬fication. His main research inter¬ests include Corpus Linguistics, Critical Metaphor Analysis, and (Multimodal) Critical Discourse Analysis. Recent works include: Verbalised Sensoriality or Amusing Embellishment? A Critical Meta¬phor Analysis of Personification in Promotional Wine Discourse (2024); Feminine and Masculine Wines: A Corpus-assisted Critical Specialised Discourse Analysis of Gender Framing in Promotion¬al Tasting-Note (2023); and Get a Jab or Grab a Glass (of Wine): A Sentiment and Corpus-Assisted Discourse Analysis of Reader Com¬ments on News Story in the Daily Mail (2023).

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