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Paolo Loffredo, sixth generation of a large family of publishers and booksellers engaged in the production and distribution of books since the late nineteenth century, creates in 2012 the new editorial company Paolo Loffredo Editore. The historical site was until the '80s in the heart of the historic centre of Naples in Via San Biagio dei Librai, lower Decumano and also known as the SpaccaNapoli.
At the beginning of the twentieth century, Giuseppe Loffredo decided to add book selling to the book production, which definitively imposed itself after World War II with the publication of manuals for the University and for the School that succeeded in establishing themselves soon throughout Italy.

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Guerre culturali e società frammentata

ISSN 2723-9500
ISBN 979-12-81068-45-2
Language italiano
Publisher Paolo Loffredo Editore Srl
Sales price 16,50 €
Country Shipping


Book preview

Guerre culturali e società frammentata
Dalla cancel culture al woke capitalism

The objective of this book is to offer, through a primarily sociology of culture and communication approach (without disdaining transdisciplinarity), answers to some questions regarding the so-called "cultural wars" which constitute emerging phenomena in the current fragmented society and platformized.
What is meant by cancel culture, wokism or political correctness? What are the dynamics, practices and phenomena that are connected to them and how do they impact the development and diffusion of new narratives? What are the effects in the current fragmented societies that are experiencing the transition from the network society to the platform society? Are these just fashionable trends or do they represent a serious threat to the democratic development of humanity?
The objective behind the "culture wars" is, evidently, the creation of a new "hegemonic framework" of thought that will shape and control the new socio-cultural paradigms and, consequently, the new political-economic models. The "cultural wars" analyzed in the book are part of this scenario in which not only is it important to consider the figuration of identity and social relationships that develop with and through new technologies, but also to reflect on the fact that a conscientization and greater awareness on the phenomena that occur in current societies, as well as on their consequences and effects on democracies, is the only instrument of defense and "counter-balancing".
Given the still lack of awareness on these issues, the critical analytical path that presents itself unfolds through a renewed correlation between the concepts of culture, power and politics within the social space. It intends to offer the reader elements and hypotheses to rethink current cultural paradigms and underline that the need to imagine and build "another possible world" is neither a utopia nor an ideology, but a project not yet realized. This is unavoidable if we do not want to move from "cultural wars" (still confined within the limits of individual states) to "global war" of which the former are undoubtedly a dangerous warning.


Emiliana Mangone is full professor of sociology of cultural and communication processes at the Department of Political Sciences and Communication of the University of Salerno. She is director of the Narratives and Social Changes-International Research Group (NaSC-IRG, 2020-2026). His main research interests focus on cultural and institutional systems, with particular attention to social representations, relational processes, knowledge and narrative as key elements of action, migration studies, as well as the study of the thought of Pitirim A. Sorokin. You recently published: Pitirim A. Sorokin: Redicovering a Master of Sociology (Vernon Press, 2023) and Narratives and Social Change. Social reality in contemporary society (Springer, 2022). For further information, consult the personal page: https://emilianamango¬ne.com/

Lucia Picarella is full professor and senior researcher at the Facultad de Derecho of the Universidad Católica de Colombia. You are scientific coordinator of the “Politics, Conflict, Participation” research area of the Narratives and Social Changes-International Research Group (NaSC-IRG) and editor in chief of the international scientific journal Cultura Latinoamericano. Journal of Intercultural Studies. He recently published: Intersections in the digital society: cancel culture, fake news, and contemporary public discourse (Frontiers in Sociology, 9:1376049, 2024), Communication and symbolism as counter-power: the strategy of the Movimiento 19 de Abril ( Colombia) (La Critica Sociologica, a. LVII, vol. 226, 2023), The power of images and the role of social media in Black Lives Matter's social justice demands (Società Mutamento Politica, 13, 26, 2022).

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