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Vincenzo Del Giudice

Vincenzo del Giudice is an engineer, ordinary professor of Estimo and of Valutazione Economica dei Progetti in the Engineering department of the University of Naples Federico II. He is a member of the Ce.S.E.T. (Centro Studi di Estimo ed Economia Territoriale) and of the italian commitee E.R.E.S. (European Real Estate Society). Socio fondatore della S.I.E.V. (Società Italiana di Estimo e Valutazione). He a member of the INPS, a component of the Commissione Censuaria Centrale – Settore Urbano, component of the special council Espropriazioni at Naples Assize Court.
He is the author to many publications in the field of real estate evaluation, financial analyses of investment projects, evaluations of real rights and damages to real estates and to the environment.

Vincenzo Del Giudice

Estimo E Valutazione Economica Dei Progetti

ISBN: 978 88 99306 29 8 ISSN: Language: Italian Publisher: Paolo Loffredo Iniziative Editoriali ...

Sales price: 22,00 €

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