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Rossana Valenti

Rossana Valenti is associate professor of Italian literature and teaches Latin didactic at the University of Naples Federico II. Her most recent interests were hinged in three lines: studies on the didactic oh classic disciplines, a reflection upon schools’ future role and on the role of classicism in a multicultural society (Il latino dentro e oltre la scuola. Memoria, identità, futuro, Napoli 2011); the didactic use of technologies in the new communication system, the study of Campania as a place full of memories, conducted trough the analysis of greek and latin literal testaments, looking for the immaterial aspects which characterize this place (Memorie dell’acqua e della terra. Intorno ai Campi Flegrei, Napoli 2011). She also focuse on classical rhetoric (all’Historisches Wörterbuch der Rhetorik, published by the University of Tübingen) and of latin storiography, looking at Tacito’s works and at women’s positions in the ancient world.

Rossana Valenti

Le forme latine della scienza: il Dynamica de potentia di W. G. Leibniz

ISBN: 978 88 99306 13 7 ISSN: 2611-1411 Language: Latin, Italian Publisher: Paolo Loffredo ...

Sales price: 19,50 €

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