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Palmira Chavero

Palmira Chavero, PhD, is Associate Professor and researcher at FLACSO-Ecuador; she is coordinator of the
Master’s Degree in Communication and Public Opinion Research, director of FLACSO Radio, and principal
investigator at GIGAPP.
Her work focuses on political communication, public opinion and the relationship between the media and public sphere actors, as well as the role of the media in the electoral arena. In particular, she investigates the ways in which media influence the formation of public opinion in today’s societies and the decision making of those in power. She works on the analysis of new digital platforms, especially social networks, in the political and
communication processes of contemporary societies.

Palmira Chavero

I-Land - year 2017 - issue 2 - Populismo en el Discurso Político y Mediàtico en América Latina: El Caso de Rafael Correa en Ecuador

I-LanD Journal - Identity, Language and Diversity ISSN: 2532-6368 ISBN: 978 88 ...

Sales price: 11,00 €

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