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Francesca De Cesare

Miguel-Ángel Benítez-Castro is a Lecturer in English Language at the School of Education of the University of Zaragoza (Teruel Campus). His main research interest lies in discourse analysis, inspired particularly by Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) and based on corpus-driven methodologies, which he has managed to apply to his general focus on the interface between lexical choice, discourse structure and evaluation. This general interest
is reflected in his previous and ongoing research on shell-noun phrases, on the evaluation of social minorities in
public discourse and, currently, on the refinement of SFL’s linguistic theory of evaluation (i.e. Appraisal Theory)
on the basis of psychological emotion theories.

Miguel-Ángel Benítez-Castro

I-Land - year 2017 - Issue 2 - Introduction

I-LanD Journal - Identity, Language and Diversity ISSN: 2532-6368 ISBN: 978 88 ...

Sales price: 11,00 €

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