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Giuditta Caliendo

Maria Cristina Nisco, PhD in English Linguistics, is a tenure-track Senior Lecturer in English Language and Translation Studies at the University of Naples ‘Parthenope’, where she is also a Board member of the international PhD programme in Euro-languages and Specialized Terminologies. Her current research areas include identity and diversity in news and legal discourse, through the lens offered by CDA and corpus linguistics. She has published extensively in edited volumes and refereed journals on the linguistic construals of ethnic diversity and migration, gender diversity, disability. Her most recent publications include Agency in the British Press: A Corpus-based Discourse Analysis of the 2011 UK Riots (2016), Languaging Diversity (co-edited with G. Balirano, 2015), and Language, Theory, and Society (co-edited with G. Balirano, 2015), The Routes of English. (Un)Mapping the Language (2010). She has also researched and published on varieties of English, translation as intercultural communication, visuality and postcolonial theory.

Maria Cristina Nisco

I-Land - year 2017 - issue 1 - Editorial

I-LanD Journal - Identity, Language and Diversity ISSN: 2532-6368 ISBN: 978 88 ...

Sales price: 11,00 €

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