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John Butcher

John Butcher is PhD in Compared Literature at the Academy of Italian-Germanic studies/ Akademie deutsch-italienischer Studien in Merano.
After studying post-united Italian literature (with monographies on Eugenio Montale, Domenico Rea, Vittoria Aganoor Pompilj e Domenico Gnoli), from 2011 he has been into Italian humanism, studying from Petrarca to Poliziano.
He also studies Latin poetry in the XV century and the relationships between humanists and Greece. Beside papers on Matteo Maria Boiardo and Giovanni Pontano, he wrote a short monograpy on Gregorio Tifernate’s poetry. Moreover, he has recently handled the editing of “Francesco Maria Staffa, Delle traduzioni dal greco in latino fatte da Gregorio e da Lilio Tifernati” (Umbertide, 2016).

John Butcher


ISBN: 978 88 32193 99 2 ISSN 2283-4281 Language: Italian Publisher: Paolo Loffredo Iniziative ...

Sales price: 26,50 €

“Dum faciles versus oblectant”, sulle egloghe latine di Boiardo

ISBN: 978 88 99306 25 0 ISSN 2611-1489 Language: Italian Publisher: Paolo Loffredo Iniziative ...

Sales price: 8,90 €

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