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Francesco Montuori

Francesco Montuori is an associate professor of Italian Linguistics at the Department of Humanistic Studies at the University of Naples Federico II. Between 2015 and 2016, with Chiara De Caprio, she elaborated the didactic materials and coordinated the projects PARLO (Enhancement of Reading Literacy Skills - OCSE-PISA 2015) and SCRItTO (Support to Regional Competences of Italian in the Textbooks - OECD -PISA 2015). His research interests focus on the historical and etymological study of the Italian and dialectal vocabulary. He published a history of the word "camorra" and other terms of the nineteenth-century jargon (2008) and published the sixteenth-century translation of "De vulgari eloquentia" by Dante, written by G.G. Trissino (2012).

Francesco Montuori

Promuovere la competenza di lettura dei quindicenni nell’area metropolitana di Napoli – metodologie, pratiche e strumenti

ISBN : 978 88 99 306 58 8 ISSN : Language: Italian Publisher: Paolo Loffredo Iniziative ...

Sales price: 7,50 €

Processi e competenza di lettura: dalla grammatica alla linguistica testuale nella scuola

ISBN : 978 88 99306 59 5 ISSN : Language: Italian Publisher: Paolo Loffredo Iniziative ...

Sales price: 6,75 €

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