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Francesca Romana Berno

Francesca Romana Berno is an associate professor of Latin Language and Literature at the Department of Ancient Sciences of the Sapienza University of Rome. Her main interest is the study of Seneca prosecutor, on which she published two monographs ((Lo specchio, il vizio e la virtù. Studio sulle Naturales quaestiones di Seneca, Bologna 2003; L. Anneo Seneca,Lettere a Lucilio, libro VI: le lettere 53- 57, Bologna 2006). To these works are added numerous articles, focused on certain philosophical strategies (metaphors, quotations and poetic allusions, historical examples), as well as on some aspects of the reception of his work. On the side of prose, he also addressed some themes related to Cicero's oratory and philosophical production (with attention to De Domo, Pro Caelio, Tusculanae disputationes, Paradoxa Stoicorum). As for poetry, in addition to some works on tragic Seneca, and in particular on the Oedipus, has recently dealt with Ovid, focusing on the representation of Chaos and the figure of Janus in the Fasti.

Francesca Romana Berno

De costantia sapientis – La fermezza del saggio

ISBN: 978 88 99306 85 4 ISSN: 2611-1411 Language: Latin, Italian Publisher: Paolo Loffredo ...

Sales price: 24,50 €

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