Fabio Carrella
Fabio Carrella is a PhD student of Linguistics and Philological Sciences at the University for Foreigners of Perugia.
His research interests focus on discourse analysis and sociolinguistics, with a particular emphasis on social
media and political language. His current aims are: the analysis of the main differences between extremist and populist parties’ language in France, England and Italy; the observation of people reception and reaction to
political language through the use of Sentiment Analysis; the critical study of populist discourse in order to
highlight possible inconsistent argumentations.
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Fabio Carrella
I-Land - year 2017 - issue 2 - Tweets across the Borders: An Interlingual Study on European Populism
I-LanD Journal - Identity, Language and Diversity ISSN: 2532-6368 ISBN: 978 88 ...
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