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Carmela Vera Tufano

Carmela Vera Tufano was born in Avellino in 1983. In 2007 she got a degree in Ancient world philology, literature and culture at University of Naples Federico II, with a thesis about Medieval latin literature and Humanistic on the bucolic tradition in Giovanni Pontano’s Eclogae. Between 2008 and 2011 she conducted a research with University of Naples Federico II and the Eberhard Karls Universität of Tübingen with a thesis on Giovanni Pontano’s Eclogae. Then, between 2012 and 2013, as the wined of a research allowance, she worked in the Humanistic studies department. In 2014 she conducted a research stay at Hamburg university.
She is currently teaching literature in high school and published scientific paper about G. Pontano and G. Atilio’s poetry.

Carmela Vera Tufano

Lingue tecniche e retorica dei generi letterari nelle Eclogae di G. Pontano

ISBN: 978 88 940037 6 5 ISSN 2611-2795 Language: Latin, Italian Publisher: Paolo Loffredo ...

Sales price: 32,60 €

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