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Paolo Loffredo, sixth generation of a large family of publishers and booksellers engaged in the production and distribution of books since the late nineteenth century, creates in 2012 the new editorial company Paolo Loffredo Editore. The historical site was until the '80s in the heart of the historic centre of Naples in Via San Biagio dei Librai, lower Decumano and also known as the SpaccaNapoli.
At the beginning of the twentieth century, Giuseppe Loffredo decided to add book selling to the book production, which definitively imposed itself after World War II with the publication of manuals for the University and for the School that succeeded in establishing themselves soon throughout Italy.

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"L'emigrazione da Casalnuovo"
23 Marzo 2024 - Palazzo Salerno Lancellotti Ateneo, via XXV Luglio, 41 - Casalnuovo (NA) - ore 16,30

 emigrazione da casalnuovo

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"Intelligenza artificiale e giornalismo: sfide e opportunità"
26 Marzo 2024 - Sindacato Unitario dei Giornalisti - vico Monteleone, 12 - primo Piano - Napoli - ore 15,00

intelligenza artificiale

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Antonia Pozzi

Antonia Pozzi was born in Rimini on January 10th 1960. In 1992 she published “Vie parallele” (Bibliograf). Giorgio Barbieri Squarotti commented: “It is a verses collection that I read with interest. Her poetry is clear, full of sensitivity and grace, with great delicacy moments especially when expressing love.”
In 2012 she published “Fino a bucare il cielo” (Raffaelli Editore), a true poetry masterpiece. They both won national and international awards. In 2014 she won the 12th edition of Litizia Isaia award, taking part in it wish an unpublished work named “Ogni persona ha diritto di conoscere le proprie origini”. It had later been included in the work “La donna di Arsel” (Ponte Vecchio Editore, 2016). In 2016 she took part again in the competition with a new unpublished work: “Nei sogni bisogna crederci”, getting in the first place. It is a selected passage from the novel “Il re delle spugne”, which she is currently working on.

Antonia Pozzi

Nei sogni bisogna crederci

NOT FOR SALE ISBN : 978 8899306 40 3 ISSN : Language: Italian Publisher: Paolo Loffredo ...

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