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Anna Motta

Anna Motta is currently wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin at Freie Universität of Berlino, working with a DFG loan. She contributes as a subject cultist with the tenure of Ancient philosophy history at University of Naples Federico II. PhD in late-antique medieval and humanistic philosophy, she took part in the Excellence Cluster TOPOI at the Freie Universität in Berlin, taking advantage of a post-doc fellowship co-loaned by Marie Curie program. Her scientific interests are focused on Plato and on the platonic tradition.
She took part in national and international conventions, meanwhile publishing papers on specialized magazines. She also published the first Italian translation, with an introduction and notes, of the anonymous “Prolegomena” to Plato’s philosophy (Rome, 2014).

Anna Motta

Logus poiein – L’eredità platonica e il superamento dell’aporia nei dialoghi

ISBN: 978 88 99306 74 8 ISSN: 2611-3562 Language: Italian, Greek Publisher: Paolo Loffredo ...

Sales price: 25,50 €

Platone e la questione della virtù

ISBN: 979 128 10 68 223 ISSN: 2611-3562 Language: Italian, Greek Publisher: Paolo Loffredo ...

Sales price: 23,00 €

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