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Paolo Loffredo, sixth generation of a large family of publishers and booksellers engaged in the production and distribution of books since the late nineteenth century, creates in 2012 the new editorial company Paolo Loffredo Editore. The historical site was until the '80s in the heart of the historic centre of Naples in Via San Biagio dei Librai, lower Decumano and also known as the SpaccaNapoli.
At the beginning of the twentieth century, Giuseppe Loffredo decided to add book selling to the book production, which definitively imposed itself after World War II with the publication of manuals for the University and for the School that succeeded in establishing themselves soon throughout Italy.

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Sofferenza e religioni abramitiche

ISBN : 978 88 99 306 58 8
Language: Italian
Publisher: Paolo Loffredo Iniziative Editoriali Srl
Sales price 18,50 €
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Book preview

Sofferenza e religioni abramitiche

The Karol Wojtyla International Association (AIKW) - whose members, by statute, belong to the three great Abrahamic monotheistic religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam - considers dialogue between people of different faiths and the comparison between religions on social, cultural , ethical and moral that concern the complexity of human affairs, especially in today's world.
One of the great themes of confrontation between religions is therefore represented by human suffering in all its forms, physical, moral, psychological, social, including those connected to cultural, social, religious and gender discrimination and intolerance. The Karol Wojtyla International Association places the fight against suffering, the meaning of its presence in human affairs, at the center of its activity. To this end, it promotes the publication of this volume which intends to investigate Pain and suffering in the contemporary world: the vision of the Abrahamic religions, a theme made even more topical by the pandemic, not yet fully tamed, and by the outbreak of war in Ukraine, in our Europe.
The chapters that make up the book deal in more depth and with different perspectives on the topics already developed by the AIKW, in particular the theme of the attitude of the man who believes in God and of the agnostic or atheist man in the face of suffering, in a world like the present one, materialistic and devoid of a sense of transcendence, of religious faith and often imbued with a generic spirituality, expressed in a superficial way and not intimately lived. Faced with the inevitable storms of life, believing or not in human transcendence, believing in God and living a religious faith, what changes in our way of dealing with them? In the part dedicated to Art and suffering, illustrious scholars then discuss the ways in which pain and suffering are represented in the various expressions of the figurative and musical arts, according to the sensitivities and traditions of the various faiths of belonging. Finally, the volume contains the Glossary of Bioethics at the end of life, intended for citizens and edited by AIKW, with the collaboration of illustrious authors, such as the Honorary President of the Constitutional Court, Prof. Riccardo Chieppa. The Glossary includes 16 items, from the so-called Living Will/advance treatment provisions to euthanasia, deep or palliative sedation. For each item, to which a page is intended, a double reading is proposed: definitional and juridical and deontological-medical. Interreligious bioethics is also considered, with reference to the Joint Declaration of Abrahamic Monotheistic Religions on End-of-Life Issues, signed in 2019, Vatican City, by Jewish, Christian and Muslim representatives.


Rosanna Cerbo neurologist and psychiatrist, professor of Neurology at the University of Rome La Sapienza, currently retired. You have worked in the field of pain management of headaches and stress-related pathologies. For a long time you have dealt with the problem of the use of narcotic substances by young people and in this area you have collaborated with the Rome Education Authority. Until your retirement, you directed the Lazio Region Reference Center for pain medicine at the University Hospital of the Umberto I Hospital. You worked for over 20 years in the psychiatric Emergency Department. You have produced numerous international and national scientific publications with important publishing houses including the prestigious Enciclopedia Treccani. In 2015 he founded the Karol Wojtyla International Association, of which he is Secretary General, with Jews, Christians and Muslims, for mutual knowledge and comparison between the Abrahamic religions on the great themes of life, in particular on the issue of the relief of physical suffering , moral and social.

Antonio Angelucci is associate professor of ecclesiastical and canon law at the University of Insubria and appointed professor of Islamic, Hindu and Buddhist law at the Faculty of Theology of Lugano. He is a member of the editorial board of the "Quaderni di diritto e politica ecclesiastica" and of "Veritas et Jus" and is a member of the scientific council of the inter-university research center of the "FIDR - International Forum Democracy & Religions" and of the research center "REDESM - Religions , Rights and Economies in the Mediterranean Area”. He is also coordinator of the scientific council of the Karol Wojtyla International Association and was a member of the technical working group for the recognition of the definition of anti-Semitism approved by the IHRA in the Presidency of the Council of Ministers. He boasts a copious scientific production and important internationally recognized affiliations.

Gabriella Liberati, sociologist worked at the National Research Council, as 1st Researcher, responsible for European, ESF and National Research projects. Author of numerous scientific publications, from 2011 to 2020 you held the position of President of the Single Guarantee Committee of the CNR.
In particular, for the CNR Editions you publish: Politiche di Mainstreaming e di Empowerment nelle Istituzioni scientifiche, CNR, Rome, 2003; Pari Opportunità nelle Istituzioni di ricerca, CNR, Rome, 2004; Dirigere la Scienza al femminile, CNR, Rome, 2013; Le donne tra analfabetismo ed emancipazione dalle carte di Tommaso Fiore, CNR, Rome, 2014; Visibili e invisibili: Matilde Serao e le letterate nell’Italia post-unitaria, CNR, Rome, 2016, presented at the Turin Book Fair, May 2017. Public Eureka la ricerca del tempo guadagnato, Naples, 2016; Le Attività del Comitato Unico di Garanzia dal 2011 al 2019, CNR, Rome, 2020; Le scienziate e la divulgazione scientifica dal secondo Ottocento agli anni 40 del Novecento, Guida Edizioni, Naples, 2018; with Silvia Hughet: Donne scienziate, fisiche e matematiche in “Rivista di fisica”; you edited the book by M. Pagano Irriducibili Pentecostali, NEP Ed., presented at the Turin Book Fair, 2022.

Mario Balzano is a religion teacher at state high schools. A pupil of Roberto Rossi and Gaspare Mura, he is a Rosminian philosopher. He obtained the first master's degree in Humanities, at "La Sapienza" and the second master's degree in Religious Sciences, at the "Ecclesia Mater", "Pontifical Lateran University" with a thesis entitled "The Overcoming of Hegel in Rosmini, published in the “Rivista Rosminiana”. He has published several collections of poetry. He is a member of the board of the Karol Wojtyla International Association and is also one of the representatives of the "Libera" Presidium at the "A. Meucci” of the city of Aprilia.

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