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Paolo Loffredo, sixth generation of a large family of publishers and booksellers engaged in the production and distribution of books since the late nineteenth century, creates in 2012 the new editorial company Paolo Loffredo Editore. The historical site was until the '80s in the heart of the historic centre of Naples in Via San Biagio dei Librai, lower Decumano and also known as the SpaccaNapoli.
At the beginning of the twentieth century, Giuseppe Loffredo decided to add book selling to the book production, which definitively imposed itself after World War II with the publication of manuals for the University and for the School that succeeded in establishing themselves soon throughout Italy.

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From Sustainability, to Responsible Sustainability, up to Resilience

ISBN : 978 88 32193 13 8
Language: English
Publisher: Paolo Loffredo Editore Srl
Sales price 25,00 €
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Book Preview

From Sustainability, to Responsible Sustainability, up to Resilience.
the Long Journey of the Concept of Development and the great Challenge of Hydrological Resources.
Geographical Discourses

The present publication can be considered as one of the most complete and exhaustive work in its field. It carefully analyze the processes that inspired and forged the birth of contemporary environmentalism. The Author smartly and efficaciously retrace the complex story of the most important steps that bit by bit allowed the affirmation of the most important theories, doctrines, thoughts and concrete actions of contemporary environmentalism. The long, wide and authoritative research activity done to ultimate this book gives it the opportunity to remember, amid the others, the various efforts done by the United Nations, and before by the Club of Rome, in bravely pave the way toward the birth of a New Environmental Culture. A particular attention is paid to the evolution of Sustainability as one of the most revolutionary concept of our contemporary era, with the consequent gradual ripening of the notion of Sustainable and Responsible Development. But since this book aims also to investigate future trends, it contextually focus on the opportunities offered by Resilience.
Its broad vision allow the reader to benefit from a multidisciplinary approach, and thanks to its geopolitical accent it stimulate appropriate and updated reasoning and analyses on the future relation between humankind and nature also at the territorial level. And it describe too the growing impact of Science Diplomacy as an efficiacious way in problem solving approach. This publication is a useful intellectual tool for those who aims to rely on a solid scientific approach written by the Author with his usual pleasant writing style.


Alessandro Leto (Genova, 1965), Geographer, Journalist and Documentary Film Director, is considered as one of the most brilliant and successful analyst in the field of study of Sustainability at the international level. He is a University Professor and conceived in 2005 the concept of “Sustainable and Responsible Development” and is currently investigating the advantages to adopt Resilience principles in order to efficaciously tackle the great challenges humanity will face in the near future when dealing with nature’s major changes. He develop a specific competence in Geopolitics of Natural Resources with a focus on Water Studies and launch the informal movement for a “New Culture of Water”. Author of several publications and of Scientific Articles, he is co-founder and Director of Water Academy SRD (2016) and currently Director of the Master on “Water’s Awareness, Consciousness, Knowledge and Management” released by International Telematic University UniNettuno. He has had appointments in the Italian institutions and at UNIDO.

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