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Viuit post proelia Magnus - Commento a Lucano, Bellum civile VIII

ISBN: 978-88-32193-09-1
ISSN: 2611-1411
Language: Latin, Italian
Publisher: Paolo Loffredo Editore Srl
Sales price 35,80 €
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Viuit post proelia Magnus. Commento a Lucano, Bellum civile VIII

The narration of Pompeo's escape from the field of Farsàlo caused many problems to the exegetes of the "Bellum civile" by Lucano due to the contradictory attitude assumed by the character, especially in the first section of the book VIII. This study, through a commentary of a lemmatic type, intends to analyze the peculiar physiognomy of the "hero" in that period of the story. In the work of commentary, alongside the models of the Cordovese, the book tried to give an account of the reception of his text by ancient, medieval and modern authors who, besides attesting to the articulated fortune of the "Bellum civile" , helps to clarify the meaning of some of his problematic steps. In an attempt to offer a complete view of the solutions proposed around the main nodes of Lucano's work, he also took into account the vast exegesis work that developed over time in the margin of the poem starting from the Late Antiquity and Medieval scholasticism to reach, through the comments of the humanistic and modern age, to the works of the XIX-XXI centuries.


Valentino D'Urso got a PhD in Ricerche e studi sull’Antichità, il Medioevo e l’Umanesimo at University of Salerno. He also cooperates with the tenure of Latin language and literature. Moreover, he teaches Literal disciplines, Greek and Latin at V. Imbriani high school in Pomigliano d'Arco (Na). His main research fields are History of classic philology, studies on Latin epic poetry, and Latin poetry during medieval times. He also took part in many international conferences about Latin literature and Lucanian poetry. He is at the moment studying the presence of Lucano's poetry in the Alexandreis by Gualtiero di Châtillon.

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