Vita di Germano vescovo di Parigi
ISSN: 2611 - 1411
Language: Latin, Italian
Publisher: Paolo Loffredo Editore Srl
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Review by "Bryn Mawr Classical Review"
Vita di Germano vescovo di Parigi
The "vita Germani", probably the last and surely the longest among the prosaic hagiographic "vitae" by Venazio Fortunato, was published by B. Krusch for the second time in 1920, over thirty years after the corpus of the other vitae. The text is therefore way less normalized, probably destined to a final review, extremely complex to translate to the italian version which is here published, the first one ever in modern language.
Talking about contents, Germano is an exeplum, the one who, as and moore than the others Venanzio is focused on (Albino, Paterno, Marcello), has the prerogatives of the ideal bishop: austere in consumption, generous with alms, miraculous healer, elegant preacher, pastor for the people of God.