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Tra amori e armi: sulla lirica di Luigi Tansillo

ISBN: 978 88 99306 87 8
ISSN 2611-1489
Language: Italian
Publisher: Paolo Loffredo Iniziative Editoriali Srl
Sales price 11,00 €
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Tra amori e armi: sulla lirica di Luigi Tansillo

The two papers in this volume examine Luigi Tansillo’s political lyric and praise poetry, focusing on the only collection published by the author himself: “So­netti per la presa d’Africa” (Napoli, Mattia Cancer, 1551). There is an bind between this theme and the love theme in this collection and in another collection that the author offered to Gonzalo Fernández de Córdoba, III duke di Sessa, nel 1550. In both the papers there is the interest for the interterxtuality in Tansillo’s lyrics, which refers to latin and vulgar models, and for the ways in which the poet structures the work.


Rossano Pestarino is a PhD in Italian Literature in the Humanistic studies department at the University of Pavia. He mainly focused on the XVI century, on Luigi Tansillo, coworking with Tobia R. Toscan to the critical comments to his rhymes and poems, and on Torquato Tasso, curing a critical edition of the “Rime eteree”. Moreover, he showed an interest for the XIX century, with special regard to Leopardi, working along with Franco Gavazzeni to the critical edition of “Canti e poesie disperse”, and may other authors to whom he dedicated works on papers and conventions.

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