fb01 lnk01 


ISSN 2611-1349
ISBN 978 88 32193 51 0
Language: Inglese
Publisher: Paolo Loffredo Editore Srl
Sales price 21,00 €
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Over the last decades, the business practice of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has received increasing attention in the media, political discussions, and academia. This book contributes to the scholarship in the field with a discourse study on the genre of CSR (or sustainability) reports in a contrastive perspective, which compares texts from the so-called industrialised and developing countries. Apart from collecting some of the most relevant studies on business discourse and outlining the evolution of the genre, the volume explores the rhetorical construction of an ethical image in CSR reports by the high-risk industries of electricity and oil and gas. Through a Corpus-Assisted Discourse Analysis, combining macro  and micro evels of investigation, the study provides interesting insights about discursive practices in different areas of the world, delving into the discourses arising within emerging countries, especially in the infancy of CSR accounting. The book shows that sustainability reports worldwide tend to display successful systems, positive performance, and optimistic forecasts. It acknowledges that globalising trends and standardising projects have influenced and aligned the type and amount of information provided in reports. Nevertheless, the study also reveals how the discoursal organisation and the priority given to the multiple social responsibility areas and themes vary across companies, countries, and cultures. The volume therefore connects the diverse contexts and rationales for CSR to the strategies adopted by businesses for image-building, which may lever on motives ranging from the contribution to causes of national concern to environmental issues, community support, and shareholder interests.


Maria Cristina Aiezza is Adjunct Professor of English Language and Translation at the University of Naples “L’Orientale,” Department of Literary, Linguistic and Comparative Studies, and at the University of Sannio, Benevento, Department of Law, Economics, Management and Quantitative Methods. She is former Post-Doctoral Research Fellow in English Language and Translation at the University of Sannio and holds a PhD in English for Specific Purposes from the University of Naples Federico II. Her research interests include institutional and corporate discourse, legal discourse, political discourse, popularisation, news media discourse, advertising, web genres, social media, and user-generated discourse. She has authored numerous articles which have appeared in international journals and edited volumes. Over the years, her activity has focused on the discourse of EU enlargement, sustainability reports, online promotional coupons, TripAdvisor customer reviews, the management of Volkswagen corporate scandal, discourses about Brexit, online petitionary discourse, and digital popularisation. Some of her recent works have analysed media discourses about President Trump’s policies, the current reshaping of the USA institutional environmental discourse, and populism in political messages over Twitter. She is currently conducting a research on Institutional and corporate communication in times of crisis, which investigates popularisation and promotional discourse in the era of Brexit and COVID-19 pandemics.

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