fb01 lnk01 

None Rime

ISSN 2283-4281
ISBN 978 88 32193 57 2
Language: Italian
Publisher: Paolo Loffredo Editore Srl
Sales price 23,50 €
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None Rime

“None rime” is the last known work by Laura Terracina, Neapolitan poetess who lived during XVI century. The central part of the collection, which was never published, is represented by the praise rhymes. There is then a small corpus of spiritual lyrics, occasional rhymes and correspondence ones with other authors, which show how many intellectual and social relationships she had.
The collection is here and now published for the very first time, after being entrusted to Codice Palatino 229, held at the National Library in Florence. It shows a woman who, almost at the end of her life, retraces with intellectual pride her bibliographical and artistic life, which made her gain fame e the right of residence in the poetry world of the XVI century, which was no more only masculine.


Valeria Puccini got her degree in Italian Philolgy and is a subject expert at the department of Humanistic studies at University of Foggia. Her interests are mainly focussed on Reinassance literature and gender studies. Some of her works:
Paradiso, Inferno e Contrappasso 2.0. Un viaggio immaginario di Dante attraverso l’Italia del XXI secolo e i social network. @DanteSommoPoeta, in «Dante. Rivista internazionale di studi su Dante Alighieri», XIII, Pisa-Rome, F. Serra Editore, 2016, pp. 147-152; «De l’ardir suo d’haver Amor sprezzato»: Maddalena Campiglia, letterata e donna indipendente nel Cinquecento della Controriforma in La letteratura italiana e le arti, Acts from XX Congress dell’ADI (Naples, 7-10 september 2016), cured by L. Battistini, V. Caputo, M. De Blasi, G. A. Liberti, P. Palomba, V. Panarella, A. Stabile, Roma, ADI editore, 2018; La coraggiosa scelta di libertà intellettuale di Isabella Bresegna, aristocratica ed eretica nella Napoli del XVI secolo, «Sinestesie. Rivista di studi sulle letterature e le arti europee», XVII (2019), Avellino, Sinestesie, pp. 397-410; La Storia del cholera in Napoli o di alcuni costumi napoletani del 1837 di Giuseppina Guacci Nobile, in La medicina dell’anima: prosa e poesia per il racconto della malattia, cured by D. De Liso e V. Merola, Naples, Loffredo, 2020; «Chi va lontan dalla sua patria vede/cose, da quel che già credea lontane»: la Relazione della Moscovia di Alberto Vimina, «Critica letteraria», 189/2020, Naples, Loffredo, 2020.

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