Mosaic – Avere Ragione Avendo Torto
ISSN 2610-1470
Language: Italian
Publisher: Paolo Loffredo Editore Srl
Avere Ragione Avendo Torto
Giancarlo Buzzi (1929-2015) is an original figure in the Italian cultural landscape. Like many of his contemporaries, he combined literary and executive activity, working for companies such as Pirelli, Olivetti an Mondadori. This contamination between different fields is reflected in all of his writings: from the novel “Il senatore” (1958) and “L’amore mio italiano” (1963) to the advertising essay “La tigre domestica” (1964), which show the transformations of the twentieth century, in balance between enthusiasm for the economical miracle and perplexity towards neocapitalism up to “L’impazienza di Rigo” (1997) and “Dell’amore” (2004) in which the story intertwines with speculative interests.