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Love is in the (h)air

ISBN: 978 88 99306 69 4
ISSN: 2611-1349
Language: English
Publisher: Paolo Loffredo Iniziative Editoriali Srl
Sales price 16,80 €
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Love is in the (h)air. A discourse analysis of hair product advertising

This book investigates the discourse of advertisements published in women’s lifestyle magazines and promoting haircare cosmetic products. Apart from collecting some of the most relevant research frameworks for the study of ads, the present volume provides interesting insights on the link between gender and advertising. Through a Corpus-Assisted and Multimodal Discourse Analysis, the text helps bring to light some of the stereotypes and deception conveyed by modern advertising practices, with a specific focus on the different cultural contexts of United Kingdom and Italy. Moreover, by demystifying the rhetorical strategies regularly exploited in ads, the volume also wishes to raise awareness of the need for a more critical and detached approach to promotional messages and for a resistance to beauty standards.


Antonella Napolitano is Researcher in English Language and Translation at the Department of Law, Economics, Management and Quantitative Methods of the University of Benevento.
Before working full-time at university, she taught at high school for many years and was involved in numerous innovative linguistic projects. Recently, she has channelled her energies into enhancing the Language Centre at the University of Sannio, exploiting her past experience in the organisation and management of under/postgraduate language courses for university students, including PhD students and Italian school teachers of English.
Over the years, her research activity has focused on professional and institutional discourse and, in particular, the discourse of the European Community.
This activity has included the language of advertising, legal English, identity-building and gender studies as well as the field of ESP theory and applications. Currently, she is involved in a research project on “Corporate communication, marketing and new media”, dealing with promotional discourse and the management of corporate ethics in the Web 2.0 era. Some of her recently published works focus on TripAdvisor reviews and management responses, Volkswagen environmental scandal, marketing and political communications over Twitter, appearing primarily as book chapters and in internationally referred journals and series.

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