fb01 lnk01 

La traduzione audiovisiva e i suoi pubblici

ISBN: 978 88 32193 38 1
ISSN: 2611-1349
Language: English
Publisher: Paolo Loffredo Editore Srl
Sales price 18,50 €
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La traduzione audiovisiva e i suoi pubblici

This volume contains theoretical, methodological and practical reflections for the empirical research, which aims to evaluate the reception of audiovisive texts in translation. Moving from an historical contextualization of reception studies linked to media, going on with the exploration of instruments and methodologies, the first part of the volume wants to put the basis to develop more researches on public audiovisive texts. The two main sections focus on the reception linking it to two different translation strategies: interlingual subtitling and audio description. The final part of the volume, instead, opens a debate on the revision of concepts such as accessibility and inclusion, to promote a new and positive development of studies about audiovisive translation. The volume is for students, researchers, trainers and professionists, who focus on translation, accessibility to the media and to shows.


Elena Di Giovanni is associate professor in English Language and Translation at University of Macerata. She has been focussing on audiovisual translation and media accessibility for over 25 years. Since 2009 she has been coordinating projects about accessibility in the most important italian theatres. She is from 2016 president of the ESIST, European Association for Studies in Screen Translation and in 019 she became Fulbright Distinguished Chair at Pittsburgh University in Pennsylvania, where she taught audiovisive translation and accessibility. Moreover, she conducted more than 25 studies and published many works, such as Reception Studies and Audiovisual Translation (John Benjamins, 2018).

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