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Il Cristo di Wilde e Pasolini

Author Aldo Onorati

ISBN: 978 88 32193 32 9
ISSN 2611-1470
Language: Italian
Publisher: Paolo Loffredo Editore Srl
Sales price 6,50 €
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Review by Montini

Il Cristo di Wilde e Pasolini

Aldo Onorati’s study is fascinating, as it was conducted on registers and narrative techniques regarding the radical questions in everybody’s life. It juxtaposes the biographical events of two of the main poems and writers between XIX and XX century, tracing the elements of a heretical, candic and labyrinthine Christology.
Attentions is given to the figure of Christ at the origin of this book, corroborated by a Pier Paolo Pasolini’s pun: “When I had the opportunity to speak to Pasolini about the divinity of the Redeemer, he answered something like: I don’t believe it is God, but his coherence, the height of his life, his teaching and his death that make him divine. I couldn’t obviously meet Oscar Wilde, but I read as much as possible, focusing on that and coming back many times to his masterpiece, the De profundis. For so long I have been thinking about writing my considerations noy about Jesus, as it would be too pretentious because I am not a theologian or a priest, bus focusing on two of his interpreters: Wilde and Pasolini, who were fascinated by him in a particular ad unique way”.


Aldo Onorati lives and works in the Roman Castles. He is a well-known writer, poet and dantist, with many Lecturae Dantis in conferences in Italy and abroad. His works have been translated in more than twenty languages and as a journalist he worked with “Avvenire”, “L’Osservatore Romano”, “il Popolo”, “Giornale d’Italia”, and the School and Education Department for RAI-TV. The complete collection of his poems was published by Anemone Purpurea, and his narrative works were published by Armando Armando, such as “Lettera al padre”, “Gli ultimi sono gli ultimi”, “La sagra degli ominidi”, “La tentazione di frate Amore”. His last novel was successfully published by Società Dante Alighieri in 2019: “Il coraggio dell’illusione”. Between his last essays: “Il senso della Gloria in Dante, Foscolo, Schopenhauer, Leopardi”, “Dante e San Francesco”, “Dante e gli omosessuali tra inferno e paradiso”, “Canto per Canto manuale dantesco per tutti”.

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