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I Miscredenti di Dite Saggi di semantica Dantesca

ISSN 2283-4281
ISBN 978 88 32193 62 6
Language: Italian
Publisher: Paolo Loffredo Editore Srl
Sales price 22,50 €
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I Miscredenti di Dite Saggi di semantica Dantesca

The volume contains eleven essays  with the same exegetical project which had inspired the four previous studies about Dante’s semantics: I ladri di Malebolge, Il richiamo dell’antica strega, Tra gli adepti di Sodoma e L’orgia d’amore. Through the analysis of episodes and passages from the Commedia - anche focussing on the poetic and exemplar relevance that some characters have in the poem (Francesca, Farinata, Cavalcante, Pier della Vigna, ser Brunetto, Stazio) - the results of Dante’s meditation about ethical, religious and gnoseological topic are highlighted. The very same importance, in an examination about the correlation between the Commedia and the Monarchia and some of the epistles, is given to the writer’s political ideologies - or, better, political and religious. The critical setting of these investigations is no way only about content or ideology, as the author, who came to innovative interpretations, also wanted to fathom the possible and not rare meanings of the poet’s words, reconstructing the processes of his expressive selectivity.


Gabriele Maresu has been teaching for 46 years Italian Literature in two american uniersity (Cornell and UCLA), in Padova and in the roman “Sapienza”. He published a monograph of Giovanni Battista Casti (Le occasioni di un libertino, 1973), two collection of essays on melodrama and on theatre in XVIII Century (La parola cantata, 1982; Tra sceniche baruffe, 2010), the volume Dante politico (1979) and four series about Dante’s semantic: I ladri di Malebolge (1990), Il richiamo dell’antica strega (1997), Tra gli adepti di Sodoma (2002) e L’orgia d’amore (2008). He also cured the commented edition of the at that time unpublished Lulliade by Ranieri de’ Calzabigi (La ragione dei “buffoni”, 1977) and Animali parlanti (1978).

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