fb01 lnk01 

Giornalismo algoritmico e traduzione automatica

ISBN: 979-12-81068-15-5
ISSN: 2611-1349
Language: Italian
Publisher: Paolo Loffredo Editore Srl
Sales price 28,50 €
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Giornalismo algoritmico e traduzione automatica
Una valutazione della traduzione neurale

Journalism on a global level is experiencing a historical transition phase thanks to the diffusion of artificial intelligence in all multicreative spheres.
Artificial intelligence algorithms, considered the most important revolution of journalism in the digital age, are not only an integral part of the new media ecosystem, but they change the process of selecting, producing, disseminating and using news, putting discussion of the theoretical framework of news values as well as the journalistic process. As technology advances and tends to deal with an increasing number of processes in news agencies, it is important to provide effective tools that help create quality journalism, which also takes into account the ethical implications, in terms of professional ethics. ¬sional and responsibility.
Therefore, the need emerges to analyze the possibilities and limits of language technologies and to reflect on the contribution of the various disciplines to the development of intelligent systems that are supported by studies and approaches traditionally linked to humanistic knowledge. This volume intends to offer food for thought through the analysis of the current scenario in the field of automatic news processing, with particular emphasis on the automatic translation of this type of text. In fact, until a few years ago, machine translation systems produced results that were still far from the quality of human translation, recognizable as non-native or non-manually translated text. The current systems have reached, for some pairs of languages and some specific domains, qualitative levels of fluency such as to suggest that the automatically translated text may be native or the result of human production. Furthermore, the integration of automatic translation systems into social platforms makes it possible for users to have immediate access to translations of news from all over the world, often overcoming the intermediation of traditional gatekeepers.


Maria Pia di Buono, obtained her PhD in Communication Sciences with a thesis in Computational Linguistics at the University of Salerno.
You have worked as a post-doc at the University of Zagreb-Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering and at European centers of excellence, such as the Center for Cognitive Interaction Te¬chnology-Semantic Computing group of the University of Bielefeld ( Germany), taking part in national and international projects.
Since 2019 she has been a researcher in Didactics of Modern Languages (L-LIN / 02) at the University of Naples "L' Orientale" where she teaches General Translation Studies and Humanistic Informatics.
She was a member of the first board of the National Doctorate in Artificial Intelligence - AI & Society Area - XXXVII cycle.
In collaboration with some colleagues, in 2021 you won the Europeana¬Tech Challenge for Europeana Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning Datasets and in 2022 the third place in the EU DATATHON Challenge 4, organized by the Publications Office of the European Union.
Her research concerns the automatic treatment of language and automatic translation, with particular attention to the themes of semantic representation and the creation of linguistic resources. There are numerous publications by her, often made together with international authors.

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