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Etnografia e netnografia. Riflessioni teoriche, sfide metodologiche ed esperienze di ricerca

ISSN 2723-9500
ISBN 978-88-32193-42-8
Language: Italian
Publisher: Paolo Loffredo Editore Srl
Sales price 18,50 €
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Etnografia e netnografia. Riflessioni teoriche, sfide metodologiche ed esperienze di ricerca

This book is the result of a long confrontation between colleagues from different academic and disciplinary contexts. They use the ethnographic and netnographic approach as fundamental helps for their empirical research. The ecumenical way of seeing which the text shows is inspired by the desire to create bridges and links between disciplines to overcome the barriers impeding different kinds of knowledge to talk to each other.
The essays are about contemporary themes and discuss ethnographic research, which is nowadays complicated by the new media from web 2.0. Each one of the essays is about new questions and dilemmas every researcher tries to understand and solve by using their experience. In order to comprehend and exploit this kind of research, there is a strong need of practical experience; that is the only way to overcome ethical and methodological dilemmas.

Editor advisors

Giuseppe Masullo is associate professor in General Sociology and the director of the International Lab for Innovative Social Research (ILIS) at University of Salerno. Between his publications: L'integrazione del sociale del sanitario dalla legge 833 ai giorni nostri : verso un'integrazione partecipata? , in Tullia Saccheri (a cura di), Una riforma da ritrovare . Una ricerca sociologica sulla legge istitutiva del Servizio sanitario nazionale quarant ’anni dopo, Edizioni Lavoro 2020.

Felice Addeo is associate professor in General Sociology at University of Salerno, in the Political and Communication sciences department. He has a wide experience in empirical research about social sciences. Since 2011, he is Independent Expert Reviewer and valuer for the european commission. Between his last works: Doing Social Research on Online Communities : The Benefits of Netnography (2020); Measuring Digital Capital : An empirical investigation (2019).

Angela Delli Paoli got a PhD with the mention of Doctor Europaeus. In 2008 she was visitingres and archer at London Business School. At the moment she is teaching Social research methodology at University of Salerno and University of Campania, but she also is independent valuer for many scientific research institutes (European Commission - REA) and methodological counselor in different international expert groups. She moreover wrote many monographies, in many collective works and international articles.

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