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Paolo Loffredo, sixth generation of a large family of publishers and booksellers engaged in the production and distribution of books since the late nineteenth century, creates in 2012 the new editorial company Paolo Loffredo Editore. The historical site was until the '80s in the heart of the historic centre of Naples in Via San Biagio dei Librai, lower Decumano and also known as the SpaccaNapoli.
At the beginning of the twentieth century, Giuseppe Loffredo decided to add book selling to the book production, which definitively imposed itself after World War II with the publication of manuals for the University and for the School that succeeded in establishing themselves soon throughout Italy.

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23 Marzo 2024 - Palazzo Salerno Lancellotti Ateneo, via XXV Luglio, 41 - Casalnuovo (NA) - ore 16,30

 emigrazione da casalnuovo

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26 Marzo 2024 - Sindacato Unitario dei Giornalisti - vico Monteleone, 12 - primo Piano - Napoli - ore 15,00

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Dalla Zairja alla traduzione automatica

ISBN: 978 88 32193 17 6
ISSN: 2611-1349
Language: Italiano
Publisher: Paolo Loffredo Editore Srl
Sales price 16,70 €
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Book preview

Dalla Zairja alla traduzione automatica

Translation technologies are essential tools for translators’ working practices and communication on the Internet. On the one hand, they concern applications that completely automate the process, such as machine translation, and, on the other hand, tools that help translators. This book aims at offering, in the Italian panorama of translation research a text on an important topic for a field characterised by profound technological transformations. The volume deals with state-of-the-art topics in the field of research, such as neural machine translation, new translation processes made possible by cloud technologies and required by the language industry market, the use of crowdsourcing to improve machine translation systems.
The main objective is to provide a useful theoretical tool for a deeper understanding of the technology that is constantly used in the translation process, by offering a reading path structured according to different aspects. The volume provides information about what machine translation is, its evolution over time and its possible current applications. Besides, the reader will find useful topics for a deeper understanding of the subject: the selected themes provide a critical, although certainly not exhaustive, overview of the research in this field. The perspective offered to readers is more oriented towards translation studies, although IT expertise is required for an in-depth understanding of the subject.


Johanna Monti received her PhD in Theories, Methodologies and Advanced applications for Communication, Computer Science and Physics with a thesis in Computational Linguistics at the University of Salerno, She is currently Associate Professor of Modern Languages Teaching (L-LIN/02) at the University of Naples "L'Orientale" where she teaches (i) Translation Studies, (ii) Specialised Translation I and (iii) Machine Translation and Computer-Assisted Translation. She is a component of the Doctoral School in Literary, Linguistic and Comparative Studies of the University of Naples "L'Orientale". Her research activities are in the field of the Natural Language Processing, with particular attention to translation technologies. She has published several contributions on the subject, often together with international authors.

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