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Critica Letteraria - year 2025 - Issue 1

Critica Letteraria
ISSN 0390 - 0142
ISSN on-line version e2035 - 2638
Language: Italian
Sales price 21,00 €
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Critica letteraria - year 2025 - Issue 1

Frequency: quarterly
International Peer-Reviewed Journal


“Critica letteraria” was founded in 1973 by Pompeo Giannantonio, as the continuation of the magazine “Filosofia e Letteratura”, which stopped being published when Salvatore Battaglia died. It is now directed by Raffaele Giglio, professor emeritus at University of Naples Federico II, with an international scientific committee. The magazine is classified by ANVUR as an “A”. It is a quarterly that offers to its readers every year almost 1000 pages oh scientific contributes. It is also available in electronic format on Torrossa.it. During the years, it kept its classic structure, which helped it to spread all over the world and to be census on the most famous bibliographic sites. The critical material is divided into sections: Essays, “Meridionalia”, Contributes, Bibliographic reviews and Reviews. The second one is with no doubt the most innovative in literary critical production. It collects the studies focused on problems and figures of southern Italy culture. By doing this, the magazine also focuses on the south, as it had never been done before. The magazine, moreover, has its own website, www.criticaletteraria.net, which shows all of the material that was published since 1973. This makes the magazine an important source for italian literature researchers.  Being always part of the critical debate, the magazine collected voices from the different ideologies in contemporary culture, expressed through many methodologies, proposing to the readers  the opinions and positions of those taking part in our country culture.

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Responsible Director
Raffaele Giglio

Honorary scientific council
Guido Baldassarri (Padua), Andrea Battistini (Bologna), Nicola De Blasi (Naples), Arnaldo Di Benedetto (Turin), Pietro Gibellini (Venice), Raffaele Giglio (Naples), Gianni Oliva (Chieti), Matteo Palumbo (Naples), Francesco Tateo (Bari).

Directive and Scientific Committee
Giancarlo Alfano (Naples), Beatrice Alfonzetti (Rome), Walter Boggione (Turin), Daniela De Liso (Naples), Maria Teresa Imbriani (Potenza), Valeria Giannantonio (Chieti), Antonio Lucio Giannone (Lecce), Simone Magherini (Florence) , Elisabetta Selmi (Padua), Tobia R. Toscano (Naples), Sebastiano Valerio (Foggia), Paola Villani (Naples).

International Scientific Committee
Abbrücke pearls (Aix en Provence, France - Université de Provence), Elsa Chaarani Lesourd (Nancy, France - Université de Nancy II), Massimo Danzi (Geneva, Switzerland - Université Genève), Paolo De Ventura (Birmingham, England - University of Birmingham), Francesco Guardiani (Toronto, Canada - University of Toronto), Margharet Hagen (Bergen, Norway - Universitetet i Bergen), Srecko Jurisic (Split, Croatia - University of Split), Massimo Lollini (Eugene, United States - University of Oregon), Paola Moreno (Liège, Belgium – Université de Liege), Irene Romera Pintor (València, Spain - Universitat de València).

Editorial board
Daniela De Liso, Vincenzo Caputo

Editorial Secretariat
Noemi Corcione corcione.redazione@criticaletteraria.net
John Butcher.

The magazine is also available in digital format on Torrossa.it

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