Critica e cura. La follia prima e dopo Basaglia
ISSN 2704-9485
Language: Italian
Publisher: Paolo Loffredo Editore Srl
Critica e cura. La follia prima e dopo Basaglia
In an interdisciplinary dialogue between literature and philosophical and political thinking, the volume shows the craziness, starting from Legge 180, which made Italy be the first country to close asylums. It analyzes the narrative works about madness that are previous, contemporary and following the Legge Battaglia, in order to explore its influence on the literal imaginary on a political reform. The volume reads the “Storia della follia” by Foucault's considering Hobbes' thinking, which saw in the link between knowledge and power an expression of completeness and authority. Finally, there is a study upon criticism and care, in their possible relationship. Literature and philosophy are not only to be considered critical instruments, but also a care opportunity.