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Luigi Tansillo - L'egloga e i poemetti

ISBN: 978 88 99306 67 0
ISSN 2611-1462
Language: Italian
Publisher: Paolo Loffredo Iniziative Editoriali Srl
Sales price 60,00 €
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L'egloga e i poemetti

It is the third volume of the critical and commented edition of the works of Luigi Tansillo, launched in 2010 with the edition of the playful and satirical Chapters (by Carmine Boccia and Tobia R. Toscano, Rome, Bulzoni) and continued in 2011 with the two volumes of the Rhymes (introduction and text by Tobia R. Toscano, commentary by Erika Milburn and Rossano Pestarino, Rome, Bulzoni). In this third volume are collected works of meter and varied subject composed by Tansillo in various times, from the youthful polymathic dramatic egloga The two pilgrims to the didactic poems in the third rhyme of maturity, Il podere e La balia. The median production consists of poems in the eighth rhyme (The grape-harvester, Stanze a Bernardino Martirano, Clorida), which, in the variety of themes treated, confirm the high quality of its poetic production. The corpus here proposed, after a careful review of the entire manuscript and printed tradition, diverges in some fundamental junctions from the choices made by Francesco Flamini, to whom we owe the praiseworthy edition of 1893, of which the title is preserved.


Carmine Boccia is a PhD in modern philology at Unversity of Naples Federico II, with a thesis named “Capitoli giocosi e satirici di Luigi Tansillo”, which was published in 2010 (Bulzoni editore). In the same department he is Italian literature expert. His interests are mainly focused on the early XVI century literary production in Naples. He also cured the publishing od “Lo Ipocrito” (2010, Salerno).

Rossano Pestarino is a PhD in Italian Literature in the Humanistic studies department at the University of Pavia. He mainly focused on the XVI century, on Luigi Tansillo, coworking with Tobia R. Toscan to the critical comments to his rhymes and poems, and on Torquato Tasso, curing a critical edition of the “Rime eteree”. Moreover, he showed an interest for the XIX century, with special regard to Leopardi, working along with Franco Gavazzeni to the critical edition of “Canti e poesie disperse”, and may other authors to whom he dedicated works on papers and conventions.

Tobia Raffaele Toscano teaches Italian literature at University of Naples Federico II. Even though he focuses of many research fields (Dante, the academies in the XVIII century, Gabriele Rossetti’s “Carteggi”), he started to fucus more and more on the history of Neapolitan literature between the XV and the XVI centuries, publishing many volumes (Letterati corti accademie. La letteratura a Napoli nella prima metà del Cinquecento, Napoli, Loffredo, 2000; L’enigma di Galeazzo di Tarsia. Altri studi sulla letteratura a Napoli nel Cinquecento, ibidem, 2004; Antonio Terminio da Contursi poeta umanista del XVI secolo, prefazione di Amedeo Quondam, Contursi Terme (SA), il Fauno edizioni, 2009) and handling the reprintigs of various autohors such as Bernardino Martirano, Vittoria Colonna, Diego Sandoval di Castro e Isabella di Morra. After completing Luigi Tansillo’s “Canzoniere” new edition, which had been stopped in 1926 due to Erasmo Pèrcopo death, he started in 2010 (the fifth centenary on Tansillo’s birth), the complete edition of his works, such as “Capitoli giocosi e satirici”, ( Carmine Boccia and Tobia R. Toscano, Rome, Bulzoni, 2010); “le Rime” (Tobia R. Toscano and Erika Milburn and Rossano Pestarino, Rome, Bulzoni, 2011) and “L’egloga e i poemetti” (Tobia R. Toscano, Carmine Boccia and Rossano Pestarino, Naples, Paolo Loffredo Iniziative Editoriali, 2017)

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