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La tradizione delle rime di Sannazaro e altri saggi sul cinquecento

ISBN: 978 88 32193 23 7
ISSN 2283-4281
Language: Italian
Publisher: Paolo Loffredo Editore Srl
Sales price 17,50 €
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Review by "Giornale Storico della letteratura Italiana"

La tradizione delle rime di Sannazaro e altri saggi sul cinquecento

As the previous ones, this volume offers the results of researches mostly focused on the protagonists of Neapolitan literal history between the Aragonese kingdom, with Don Pedro de Toledo as a viceroy. Despite not being the capital city, Naples is still a crossroads of theoretical elaborations and literal experiences, in a profitabòe exchange between the glorious humanistic tradition founded by Pontano and Sannazzaro, with the rich side of academics of old and new generation, and the progressive advance of vernacular literature, both capable of keeping dialogue with Italy and Europe open. From the rhymes of Sannazzaro, to whose tradition is paid particular attention, to those of Di Costanzo, the chapters move from the revisiting of handwritten and printed traditions, checking consolidated critical reports and proposing new interpretative hypotheses, with the recovery of submerged biographies or elusive identities.


Tobia Raffaele Toscano teaches Italian Literature at University of Naples Federico II. While cultivating various research fields (Dante’s exegesis, XVIII century academies, early XIX century Neapolitan theater, an edition of Gabriele Rossetti’s “Carteggi”), he progressively focused on history and Neapolitan literature between XV and XVI century, writing many volumes (“Letterati corti accademie. La letteratura a Napoli nella prima metà del Cinquecento”, Naples, Loffredo, 2000; “L’enigma di Galeazzo di Tarsia. Altri studi sulla letteratura a Napoli nel Cinquecento”, Naples, Loffredo, 2004; “Antonio Terminio da Contursi poeta umanista del XVI secolo”, Amedeo Quondam’s preface, Contursi Terme (SA), il Fauno edizioni, 2009; “Tra manoscritti e stampati. Sannazaro, Vittoria Colonna, Tansillo e altri saggi sul Cinquecento”, Naples, Paolo Loffredo Iniziative Editoriali, 2018) and curing editions by many authors, such as Bernardino Martirano, Vittoria Colonna, Diego Sandoval di Castro e Isabella di Morra. After having completed in 1996 the edition of Luigi Tansillo’s “Canzoniere”, which had been interrupted in 1926 due to Erasmo Pèrcopo’s death, the started in 2010 (fifith centenary of Tansillo’s birth) the complete edition of the works, producing by far: “Capitoli giocosi e satirici”, cured by Carmine Boccia and Tobia R. Toscano, Rome, Bulzoni, 2010; “Rime”, introduction and text by Tobia R. Toscano, comments by Erika Milburn and Rossano Pestarino, Rom3, Bulzoni, 2011; “L’egloga e i poemetti”, texts by Tobia R. Toscano, comments by Carmine Boccia and Rossano Pestarino, Naples, Paolo Loffredo Iniziative Editoriali, 2017.

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