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ISBN: 979-12-81068-09-4
ISSN 2283-4281
Language: Italian
Publisher: Paolo Loffredo Iniziative Editoriali Srl
Sales price 18,00 €


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The book examines Cesare Pavese's poetic production, attempting to reconstruct the poet's ontology, through his youthful poems, extravagant poems and published collections. City and country, woman and man, myth and history, love and death are the language through which the pages of this book move to show the history and geography of a singular lyrical journey in the history of Italian literature. Much time is dedicated to the examination of Lavorare stanca, Pavesi's first accomplished poetic collection. The themes, stylistic features and forms of Lavorare stanca, transcending the boundaries of the collection, arrive at the verses of La terra e la morte. The book closes with an analysis of Verrà la morte e avrà i tuoi occhi, the last poetic page of Cesare Pavese, who, in this way, is born and dies a poet.


Daniela De Liso teaches Italian literature at the Department of Human studies at University of Naples Federico II. Her studies are mainly about italian literature between XVI and XIX Century. The main themes of her works are the intersections between literature and journalism, literature and science, literature and arts. She is focused on feminine literature. She is part of the scientific committee of "Critica Letteraria". She is the director, for Paolo Loffredo Editore, of the collections "Le muse di Ippocrate" and "Femminile Plurale". She published: La scrittura della storia. Francesco Capecelatro (1594 - 1670), 2004; an unpublished Francesco Mario Pagano's comedy, La Mengrelliana, 2002; "Flegrea" 1899-1901, 2006; Donne in versi. Di Giacomo, Gozzano, Ungaretti, Quasimodo, Pavese, 2008; Percorsi derobertiani. Politica Donne Spazio, 2021; Letteratura di vino. Un viaggio enoico tra le pagine della Letteratura d'Italia, 2014; Da Masaniello a Eleonora Pimentel. Napoli tra storia e letteratura, 2016; Salvator Rosa tra pennelli e versi. Con la raccolta di tutte le Poesie, 2018.

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