fb01 lnk01 

Il lume del sentimento – Leonardo Sciascia e il settecento

ISSN 2283-4281
ISBN 978 88 32193 893
Language: Italian
Publisher: Paolo Loffredo Editore Srl
Sales price 20,50 €
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Il lume del sentimento – Leonardo Sciascia e il settecento

Il lume del sentimento is focused on the relationship between Leonardo Sciascia’s works and events and ideas in the XVIII Century in Europe, which are used by the author as metahistorical categories to read the reality he lived in.
The volume aims to propose a reinterpretation of Sciascia’s works that are significantly inspired to the century: starting from the essay Secolo educatore, in the collection Cruciverba (1983), which represents the XVIII Century through the thinking of the previous years; to the novel Consiglio d’Egitto (1963), an hilarious and tragic representation of the failing of history in Sicily at the time of the French Revolution, based on the story of the priest Vella and of the jurist Di Blasi, using the narrative model of the conversation; to the play Recitazione della controversia liparitana dedicata ad A.D. (1969), focused on the “Praga Spring” of 1968 and on the crash between the Regno di Sicilia and the Santa Sede.
The link between the three sections is the semantic richness of the word “feeling”: a possible key to read the affection of Sciascia for the century, to be linked to “reason”, which gives new shape to the neo-enlightenment side of the writer.


Andrea Schembari is a researcher in the Humanistic Department and in the Institute of Literature and New Media at University of Stettino, in Poland, where he teaches Contemporary Italian Literature. his research is mainly focused on Leonardo Sciascia’s narrative and essays writing, participating in the volume Sciascia e la giovane critica (Salvatore Sciascia Editore, 2009), along with many articles and contributes to journals. He also studied Giuseppe Antonio Borgese and Gesualdo Bufalino, the academic culture during the XVIII Century in Sicily and, recently, the relationship between music, philosophy and contemporary literature, curing along with Stefano Marino the volume Pearl Jam and Philosophy (Bloomsbury Academic, 2022).

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