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Donne di Carta

ISBN: 979-12-81068-50-6
ISSN: 2974 - 8666
Language: Italian
Publisher: Paolo Loffredo Editore Srl
Sales price 30,50 €


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Donne di Carta
La scrittura delle donne nella Letteratura italiana

The volume includes the contributions of Italian and foreign scholars who participated on May 29 and 30, 2023 in the international conference of studies Donne di carta. La scrittura delle donne nella letteratura italiana, held in Naples, at the headquarters of the Department of Humanistic Studies of the University of Naples, Federico II. The essays draw a diachronic map of the contribution of the writing of female authors to Italian Literature, from the Origins to the Contemporary.
Freeing the interest in women's writing from the fashions of the moment and from a certain drift of Gender studies, especially in the international context, the volume intends to contribute to the necessary rewriting of the Canon of our literary tradition, welcoming female authorial figures, who, over the centuries, have, with their works, written the history of many literary genres.


Daniela De Liso teaches Italian Literature at the DSU of the Federico II University of Naples. She is vice-director of Literary Criticism. Her studies focus on Italian literature from the sixteenth to the twentieth century, with particular attention to poetic production. She has dealt with intersections between literature and painting, the relationships between journalism and literature, between literature and historiography, between literature and medicine. She directs the series “Le Muse di Ippocrate” and “Femminile plurale” for the publisher Loffredo. Among her most recent essays, she has published studies on authors such as Michelangelo, Ariosto, Basile, Gozzi, De Roberto, Pasolini, Ginzburg, Morante. Her most recent volumes are: Salvator Rosa tra pennelli e versi. Con la raccolta di tutte le Poesie, 2018; La Medicina dell’anima. Prosa e poesia per il racconto della malattia, 2020 (Ed.); Oltre il limite. Letteratura e disabilità, 2022 (Ed.); Il poeta solo. La scrittura in versi di Cesare Pavese, 2023; Le autrici della letteratura italiana. Per una storia dalle Origini al XXI secolo, 2023.

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