fb01 lnk01 


ISBN: 979-12-81068-42-1
ISSN: 2611-1349
Language: English
Publisher: Paolo Loffredo Editore Srl
Sales price 24,50 €
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Early modern english trials
Pragmatic influences on thou and you

The present book illustrates the design of and analyses the Corpus of Early Modern English Trials (1650-1700), henceforth the EMET, a hi¬ghly specialized historical corpus of trial proceedings. The main pur¬pose of the creation of the above-mentioned corpus is to shed light on the pragmatic aspects of Early Modern spoken English, since trial proceedings are considered records of authentic dialogues (Culpeper and Kytö 2010: 17).
After introducing Early Modern English society and discussing pre¬vious research, which deals with a limited amount of data, the archive consultation phase, the criteria behind the selection of the trials and the technical stages that are necessary for the uploading of a corpus on #LancsBox and its study are illustrated. Then, the EMET itself is presented, and macro (quantitative) and micro (qualitative) analyses – which take into account both pragmatic and sociolinguistic factors – are carried in order to understand the pragmatic influences on T-for¬ms and Y-forms.


Emma Pasquali is Adjunct Lec¬turer of English Language and English Literature at the eCam¬pus University of Novedrate. She was awarded a PhD from the Uni¬versity of Naples L’Orientale. Her primary research interests are in corpus linguistics, historical prag¬matics and cognitive linguistics. Her recent work includes studies on stylistics, cognitive poetics and corpus linguistics (“Contamina¬tion between Stylistics and Cog¬nitive Poetics: An Analysis of Lord Randal”, Testo e Senso, 2022; “The Paralysing Sea: A Cognitive Anal¬ysis of the Discourse Worlds in James Joyce’s ‘Eveline’”. Ticontre. Teoria Testo e Traduzione, 2022; and, “The Corpus of Early Modern English Trials (1650-1700): Build¬ing of the Corpus and Hypotheses of Normalization”. Status Quaes-tionis, 2023).

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