Water Security and Food Security nexus: the Challenge of Climate Change
Language: Italian, English
Publisher: Paolo Loffredo Editore Srl

Water Security and Food Security nexus: the Challenge of Climate Change
The present publication presents the Proceedings of the High Level Round Table Symposium “Water Security and Food Security nexus: the Challenge of Climate Change” promoted by Water Academy SRD in collaboration with CIHEAM Bari Institute in the occasion of the 2021 COP26 Initiative “Youth 4 Climate”. The aim of the Event and especially of the present Publication, is to focus on the importance to root and diffuse a New Culture of Water at the international level in the Didactic Curricula. To strengthen the engagement of young generations to better comprehend and consequently face the severe changes impose by Climate Changes in Water Access and Water for Life policies when dealing with the strategic issue of the nexus Water Security/Food Security. The presence of relevant personalities from Multilateral Institutions, Research Centers, Universities and Private Sector allowed a fruitful and positive debate and confrontation on the urgent need to find appropriate solutions to tackle this epochal challenge. Considering that Agriculture is the human activity that consumes the highest percentage of fresh water, it represents the core of the defiance. This book represents a new important step ahead in Water Academy SRD tradition to publish the Proceedings of its HLRT Symposium in the Editorial Series “Dialogues around Water”, for the benefit of those Scholars and Students who aim to investigate the most updated achievements on this subject.