Dialogues around Water
Language: English, Italian
Publisher: Paolo Loffredo Editore Srl

Dialogues around Water
In this work are collected as Proceedings the Acts of the High Level Round Symposium which took place in Lugano in 2019 undet the name " Water management and water protection, Soil consumption, Natural Capital defence and Urban growth".
Many authoritative and international personalities from the scientific world, Universities and Multilateral Istitutions took part in it. They confronted on an actual theme, fundamental to redefine the development directions of our national communities, living in a world increasingly urbanized. Considering the relationship between people and water recources, which is becoming more and more unbalanced, due to the anthropization causing damages to the environment, aggravated by climate change.
Leah Namugerwa, young Ugandan activist, took part in the works, representing her african peers of the Fridays fot Future movement.